Posted in: Comics | Tagged: adi granov, Dustin Nguyen, eccc, jae lee, jim mccann, joe casey, joe eisma, matt fraction, royden lepp, tony daniel
Tales From ECCC: Matthew Southworth, Joe Casey, Jim McCann, Joe Eisma, Adi Granov, The Dodsons, Tony Daniel, Dustin Nguyen, Jae Lee and Royden Lepp
At ECCC, a number of anonymous Little Bleeders talked to a number of professionals. And this is what we learned… from lots of people
Mathew Southworth said that he really enjoyed working the Greg Rucka on "Stumptown" and love to do a follow-up. A third volume, however, is entirely up to Greg and he is moving onto other projects since there's no further "Stumptown" planned for the immediate future.
Joe Casey sat next to Mathew Southworth and I told him how much I loved the take-the-piss attitude of "Butcher Baker, The Righteous Maker." He repeated what he said in the past that artist Mike Huddleston was the reason for the nearly 10 month delay between issues #7 and #8. This, as Bleeding Cool has said, pretty much puts the end to any future collaborations.
Jim McCann, who I am a big fan of because of this work with Hawkeye, said that the while he was never able to get ongoing like Matt Fraction, all the various mini-series were, in fact, arcs he was going to tell anyway had he gotten a monthly. Therefore, he actually got to tell all the stories he had planned.
Joe Eisma revealed that Nick Spencer told him that the last scene he wrote in Morning Glories #24 where Ike holds a gun to Jade's head demanding answers from his father Abraham is representative of the sentiment expressed by the fans and readers. Also, that the series is still on track to be 100 issues long.
Adi Granov was doing a commission when I asked if him more of his design work for Marvel Studios would be released outside of his sketchbook (which he had on sale at the Con) or the Marvel Studios art books and said he doesn't know since it's also Marvel Studios' discretion. He is also doing design work for some video games, but I forgot to ask which ones.
Terry and Rachel Dodson signed my copy of Point One #1 and I told them how much I enjoyed what I had seen so for from "Coraline." They repeated what I know now is that it will be released by Humanoid this Wednesday in its original oversized format, which is why it took so long to be released in the States. They wanted to make sure it retained as much of its original format as possible.
Tony Daniel said he was really liking working with Andy Diggle so far on Action Comics and is enjoying the change of pace the title has brought, especially after doing Batman for so long.
Dustin Nguyen said he believes that while digital is not the main reason titles like "Batman Beyond" and "Batman – Lil' Gotham" have flourished, it has definitely made it eaiser to experiment with titles like that since they may not have necessarily worked in physical format first.
Being able to meet and speak with Rust writer and illustrator Royden Lepp meant thanking him for a great steampunk story, since there are not many with that sort of look and feel. I also congratulated him on 20th Century Fox Studios buying the film rights to the series. He said he is excited to see w
Jae Lee reported that drawing for the last Dark Tower novel that Stephen King wrote was daunting and nail biting even though the process was pretty simple. "King asked for me. They sent me the manuscripte, I read it, and my only note was: draw what comes to mind."
"Any requested changes?"
"No one."
"So why so nervous?"
"Cause it's Stephen King!"
"Who obviously loves your artwork."
I'll have more later Rich. This is just the start. If you think of anything you want me to ask my interviews let me know and I'll look at it before I leave for the con floor. No internet on the con floor is killing me.