Posted in: Boom, Comics, Comics Publishers, Dynamite, IDW, Image, Marvel Comics, Walking Dead | Tagged: adventureman, buffy, david bowie, dejah thoris, ghost rider, michael allred, neil gaiman, sonic, strange academy, willow, x-men
The Back Order List 7/8/20: Bowie, Willow, Dejah Thoris & Adventureman
Every week your Local Comic Book Shop, hopefully, gets in a weekly assortment of comics, trades, posters, action figures, and other goodies from Diamond. Now some of these goodies sell out fast from your LCBS, so Tuesday and Wednesday LCBS retailers get on the phone (more often the computer) and let Diamond know they need more. Or sometimes they go to unpack those Diamond boxes and find items missing, or too damaged to sell (it does happen), retailers have to let Diamond know. However, the phrase no retailer likes to hear when they go to report those shortages, damages or reorders is: "Sorry that item is on back-order," which means there are no more copies to send out from the Diamond warehouse in order to replace damages or shortages. The lack on Diamond's end can be because of sell-out at Diamond, tight print order from the publisher, so Diamond only sent out what was on the initial order, or Diamond is waiting for more stock from the publisher. Sometimes items on the Back Order List do end up available from Diamond again, but rarely. So it's time for another edition of the Back Order List.
Little Bit Of Marvel
As DC has shifted away from Diamond, Marvel is now the biggest publisher with Diamond when they publish comics. Marvel is still getting back in the game slowly, with only eight titles out this week. Out of those eight, only three have gone on the Back Order List, and surprisingly Empyre Fantastic Four #0 is not on the list. Ghost Rider returns to shops with #7, and the Marvel Zombie Variant is gone from Diamond, along with Strange Academy #2, with both covers being on the Back Order List and a Second Print Variant Cover on the way. In addition, the X-Men God Loves Man Kills Extended Cut #1 has three covers join the Back Order List with the main cover, Anderson Variant, and Reis Variant, leaving only the Camuncoli Variant still available for #1.
- Ghost Rider #7 Marvel Zombies Variant Cover
- Strange Academy #2 Main Cover
- Strange Academy #2 Variant Cover
- X-Men God Loves Man Kills Extended Cut #1 Main Cover
- X-Men God Loves Man Kills Extended Cut #1 Anderson Variant Cover
- X-Men God Loves Man Kills Extended Cut #1 Reis Variant Cover
Boom is Back with BTVS Willow #1
When Boom came back, Buffy The Vampire Slayer was the first book to be on the stands, and while Buffy The Vampire Slayer, Angel and Spike, and Firefly have not been on the Back Order List since Boom's return. Buffy The Vampire Slayer Willow #1 broke that streak with all three covers and #1 going to Second Print as well. Could be the fantastic covers, like Jen Bartel's, or just the fact fans love Willow.
- Buffy The Vampire Slayer Willow #1 Cover A
- Buffy The Vampire Slayer Willow #1 Cover B
- Buffy The Vampire Slayer Willow #1 Cover C FOC Variant
Alienated #4 Cover B also joined the list from Boom, continuing a trend of covers done by Christian Ward disappearing from Diamond.
Dynamite, One Title, So Many Covers
Boom often gets on the Back Order List with many different covers and at least one, or more, of the covers, disappearing from Diamond's warehouse. Image, DC, and Marvel usually have at least two covers for each book, but no other retailer seems to go for the number of coves for one issue that Dynamite does. Dynamite had only two books come out this week, but one book had over ten covers for it, varying from signed versions, to black and white variants, to different color variants, so many covers. Eight of the covers went on the Back Order List for Dejah Thoris #6.
- Dejah Thoris #6 Cover B
- Dejah Thoris #6 Cover C
- Dejah Thoris #6 Cover D Homage Variant
- Dejah Thoris #6 1-In-7 Copy Variant Cover
- Dejah Thoris #6 1-In-11 Copy Variant Cover
- Dejah Thoris #6 1-In-15 Copy Variant Cover
- Dejah Thoris #6 1- In-21 Copy Variant Cover
- Dejah Thoris #6 1-In-25 Copy Variant Cover
Scout Comics Has Loggerhead & Scott Lobdell
So Scout Comics gets three comics on the Back Order List with both covers for Loggerhead Bloody Bayou One-Shot and Everglade Angels #1, a comic co-written by Scott Lobdell.
- Loggerhead Bloody Bayou One Shot Cover B
- Everglade Angels #1 Main Cover
Lots of Publishers With One or Two Books
Then several publishers got one comic, or two, on the list—starting with Ablaze and the Homage cover of Cimmerian Red Nails #2 (their adaptation of the perhaps the most famous Robert E. Howard Conan story), though without the Conan name in the title and a mistake labeling this as Superman Parody Cover. Antarctic Press has both versions of Offworld Sci-Fi Double Feature #1; Ahoy has Ash & Thorn #2, Behemoth Comics has Osiris Path #2, IDW got cover A from the Sonic the Hedgehog Annual 2020 on the list.
- The Cimmerian Red Nails #2 Cover E Homage Variant
- Offworld Sci Fi Double Feature #1 Cover A
- Offworld Sci Fi Double Feature #1 5PC Fist Full of Dollars
- Ash & Thorn #2 Main Cover
- Osiris Path #2 Main Cover
- Sonic The Hedgehog Annual 2020 Cover A
Following those, Heavy Metal had two covers from #299 on the list, with Source Point Press having Skylin #1, Storm King Production getting Storm Kids Hyperbreed #3, and Zenoscope as well, with two covers for Grimm Fairy Tales #38 joining the Back Order List as well.
- Heavy Metal #299 Cover B
- Heavy Metal #299 Cover C
- Skylin #1 Main Cover
- Storm Kids Hyperbreed #3 Main Cover
- Grimm Fairy Tales #38 Cover A
- Grimm Fairy Tales #38 Cover C
Again Image Dominates
Image continues a run of comics going on the Back Order List with most of the comics Image releases each week, of late, going to Back Order fast. Adventureman #2 was expected, already sold out before it went to shops, but this week both covers for Bitter Root #9, and Sonata #11. Robert Kirkman has the J. Scott Campbell cover for Oblivion Song #25 go on the Back Order List, and by this weekend, Negan Lives #1 has also finally gone on the Back Order List.
- Adventureman #2 Main Cover
- Bitter Root #9 Cover B
- Sonata #11 Cover A
- Sonata #11 Cover B
- Oblivion Song #25 Cover E
The Allreds Sell Out David Bowie, Again
Finally, a special project from Madman creator Michael Allred, wife Laura Allred, along with Steve Horton, and an introduction from Neil Gaiman, the comic autobiography of David Bowie, has gone to Back Order with its Second Edition. The First Edition has been long gone for a while, but now the Previews Exclusive Second Edition of Bowie Stardust Rayguns & Moonage Daydreams is gone as well. If you can find a copy, grab it because this is one that is going to be hard to find.
So for those who can go to your LCBS and see any of these "back order titles," grab them if you want them because Diamond won't likely be sending any more copies of these books. It's possible if LCBS return copies of these books, but not likely, and not likely anytime soon.