Posted in: Comics, Vintage Paper | Tagged: archie, black hood, Promise Collection
The Promise Collection 1946: The Art of the Comic Book Reboot
"If you think you can dream up a more glamorous hero than Superman, or invent a more diabolic villain than the Joker, or figure out a more homicidal weapon than a Krypton gun, then you can begin figuring on how to stake yourself a claim in a $40,000,000-a-year business," Mort Weisinger wrote in a 1946 issue of Pic Magazine, for an article that featured a photo of Joe Simon and Jack Kirby working on an issue of Boy Commandos. Weisinger had not yet become a DC Comics editor, but he had contributed to numerous comics present in the Promise Collection by this time, including Superman, Batman, Detective Comics, and World's Finest Comics. "If you're interested in crashing the publishing world, consider the fact that no other medium in the magazine field can boast as many members of the comics family. A wit once observed that the reason additional comic magazines do not clutter the stands is that the editors long ago exhausted all possible titles. He wasn't far wrong. Publishers raid the thesaurus for adjectives, with the result that the stands offer Daring Comics, Exiting Comics, Daredevil Comics, Thrilling Comics, Dynamic Comics, Fight Comics, et al. The rainbow was pilfered, too. Such titles as Blue Beetle, Green Hornet, Red Ryder, Black Hood and Gold Medal make a lurid palette out of the news vendor's display counter." [note: if you wonder whether Weisinger was making up "Gold Medal", he was not. Although not part of the Promise Collection, Gold Medal Comics was an obscure 128 square-bound one-shot from publisher Cambridge House and featuring a cover by Mac Raboy and contents from Bernard Baily Studios.]
Weisinger's article described a comic book industry of 1946 which was in need of both new ideas and new blood — because with War Production Board restrictions on paper usage at an end along with the war itself, periodical publishers expected business to boom. As Writer's Digest was reporting by mid-year, "A.A. Wyn [Whose Ace Publications put out the likes of Four Favorites, a title which can be found in the Promise Collection] will probably be the first of these to move his book and magazine publishing business into the building he bought on 47th Street just off Fifth Avenue. This is about three blocks from his present place at 67 West 44th Street. Next is Fawcett Publications, which has just bought the twenty-one story building from which Wyn will move out. The Fawcett magazines have been scattered over the face of Manhattan. Not only do they fill a half dozen floors in the big Paramount Building at Times Square, but they spread through two separate buildings on Madison Avenue and take up a lot of space at 52 Wall Street. It will be home-coming week for sure, when they all get together under one roof." Meanwhile, Martin Goodman's Marvel empire also continued to sprawl after the war ended, "The Goodman magazines become more complicated in set-up right along. Martin Goodman heads the outfit publishing Miss America and a long, long list of comics, with offices in the Empire State Building at 350 Fifth Avenue. The Goodman line-up of fact-detective books is edited by Robert E. Levee at 366 Madison Avenue. And now a third address: Skyline Publications, Inc., at 82 Beaver Street, N.Y. 5. Here, the other three Goodman, brothers, just recently out of the Service, are back in active magazine production."
Welcome to Part 12 of the Promise Collection series, which is meant to serve as liner notes of sorts for the comic books in the collection. The Promise Collection is a set of nearly 5,000 comic books, 95% of which are blisteringly high grade, that were published from 1939 to 1952 and purchased by one young comic book fan. The name of the Promise Collection was inspired by the reason that it was saved and kept in such amazing condition since that time. An avid comic book fan named Junie and his older brother Robert went to war in Korea. Robert Promised Junie that he would take care of his brother's beloved comic book collection should anything happen to him. Junie was killed during the Korean War, and Robert kept his promise. There are more details about that background in a previous post regarding this incredible collection of comic books. And over the course of a few dozen articles in this new series of posts, we will also be revealing the complete listing of the collection. You can always catch up with posts about this collection at this link, which will become a hub of sorts regarding these comic books over time.
July Through December 1946 in the Promise Collection
The post-war economic boom implied by such moves on the part of comic book and periodical publishers was felt across most industries in the United States by 1946. "With the war finally over, American consumers were eager to spend their money, on everything from big-ticket items like homes, cars and furniture to appliances, clothing, shoes and everything else in between. U.S. factories answered their call…"
The comic book industry was also ready and eager to answer this call. This post-war comic book and periodical publishing industry boom that Mort Weisinger and the rest of the comic book industry thought was in the cards for 1946 appeared to be well on its way towards becoming a reality during the first half of the year. Industry leaders Superman and Batman surged towards their historic peaks at over 1.8 million and 1.7 million copies sold respectively, according to Audit Bureau of Circulation numbers. As mentioned in Part 11 of this Promise Collection series, Fawcett Publications took its flagship Captain Marvel Adventures bi-weekly through the first six months of the year.
This bi-weekly move over the first half of the year for Captain Marvel Adventures is worth exploring a little, as it may have been a serious miscalculation on the part of Fawcett Publications. Circulation on the title plummeted from 1.35 million in January to 535,000 by June — a drop of just over 60%. The likely problem was that although the printing industry expected newsprint shortages to subside, in reality, such shortages would linger for years and actually became more acute through much of 1946. Contributing factors include workers' strikes across some relevant industries, reduced imports due to the shifting realities of the post-war world, and exploding demand. It's likely that Fawcett had to make a choice between its comic line and other publishing interests, and chose the latter. Audit Bureau of Circulation numbers indicate that Street & Smith made a similar choice a few months prior — a move that would ultimately signal the beginning of the end of their comic book line. And although its comic book line would last longer than Street & Smith's, Fawcett Publications' choice here in 1946 can be construed as the beginning of the end of Captain Marvel and company at Fawcett as well. Overall, it appears that the publisher had decided to cede comic book market share to DC Comics and Marvel, both of whom gained significant ground over the next few years as the Fawcett comic book line faded.
The Promise Collection of 1946 represents such dynamics quite accurately. In contrast to the first half of the year, the number of new series launches from July to December was quite limited, including the likes of Movie Comics #1 (Fiction House) and The Barker (Quality Comics). However, the number of comic books present in the collection from this series increased to nearly 300 — about a 20% bump up over the first half of the year. Keys and noteworthy issues from this time frame include the first appearance of the Blonde Phantom in All Select Comics #11, the origin-retold / soft reboot in Captain America Comics #59, the origin and first appearance of the All-Winners Squad in All-Winners Comics #19, plus the Joker covers of Detective Comics #114 and Detective Comics #118.
The Art of the Comic Book Reboot
Fawcett Publications and Street and Smith were not the only publishers thinking carefully about where to focus their resources in 1946. With Audit Bureau of Circulation data showing that Archie Comics circulation routinely reaching the 1.1 million copy range during this period, MLJ, the publisher which had rebranded itself as Archie, may have had less confidence in the staying power of the superhero genre than most comic book publishers. The Golden Age lifespan of one of its most famous superhero characters, the Black Hood, provides us with another fascinating example of how the publisher navigated the Golden Age of Superheroes in the wartime era and beyond. With a name like "Black Hood", and villains like the Ghost and the Skull, the character stuck farther away from wartime exploits and closer to pulp-style crime and horror than most superhero publishers of the time frame. The Black Hood series itself also included covers and adventures that leaned towards crime and horror rather than war or superheroics (though certainly, MLJ was not alone in this during the period). Of course, MLJ had launched a Black Hood Detective pulp shortly after the character's debut in Top-Notch #9 as well.
But the end of the character's own series with Black Hood #19 contains an interesting and clear-cut early example of a comic book reboot. Due to the machinations of a criminal, a police sergeant was able to unmask Black Hood and reveal his identity. Once his alter ego becomes known, the Black Hood (aka Kip Burland) makes an interesting move — he decides to reboot himself in his real identity as Burland and launch the Black Hood Detective Agency — becoming a private investigator. The change stuck, and although the Black Hood series ends with this issue, he continues as Kip Burland of the Black Hood Detective Agency in a handful of Pep Comics stories afterward.
Meanwhile, the Black Hood series was retitled as Laugh Comics with issue #20 and featured the exploits of Archie, Jughead, Betty, Veronica and the rest of the Riverdale crew. It's a historically interesting move that seems to be foreshadowed by the tenor of the issues leading up to the series and would seem to indicate that MLJ anticipated the rise of other genres in the comic book industry — and certainly in the Promise Collection — of the post-WW2 era.
Title | Issue # | Auction Link | Cover Date | Prices Realized |
Action Comics | 98 | July 1946 | ||
Action Comics | 99 | August 1946 | ||
Action Comics | 100 | September 1946 | ||
Action Comics | 101 | October 1946 | ||
Action Comics | 102 | Action Comics #102 The Promise Collection Pedigree (DC, 1946) CGC NM 9.4 White pages | November 1946 | $3,600.00 |
Action Comics | 103 | Action Comics #103 The Promise Collection Pedigree (DC, 1946) CGC NM/MT 9.8 White pages | December 1946 | $21,600.00 |
Adventure Comics | 106 | July 1946 | ||
Adventure Comics | 108 | September 1946 | ||
Adventure Comics | 109 | October 1946 | ||
Adventure Comics | 110 | November 1946 | ||
Adventure Comics | 111 | December 1946 | ||
Airboy Comics | v3 #6 | July 1946 | ||
Airboy Comics | v3 #7 | August 1946 | ||
Airboy Comics | v3 #8 | September 1946 | ||
Airboy Comics | v3 #9 | October 1946 | ||
Airboy Comics | v3 #10 | November 1946 | ||
Airboy Comics | v3 #11 | December 1946 | ||
All-Flash | 24 | All-Flash #24 The Promise Collection Pedigree (DC, 1946) CGC VF+ 8.5 Off-white to white pages | August-September 1946 | $1,320.00 |
All-Flash | 25 | All-Flash #25 The Promise Collection Pedigree (DC, 1946) CGC VF/NM 9.0 White pages | October-November 1946 | $1,440.00 |
All-Flash | 26 | All-Flash #26 The Promise Collection Pedigree (DC, 1946) CGC VF/NM 9.0 White pages | December-January 1946-47 | $1,200.00 |
All-New Comics | 13 | July-August 1946 | ||
All Select Comics | 10 | All Select Comics #10 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Timely, 1946) CGC NM/MT 9.8 Off-white to white pages | Summer 1946 | $33,600.00 |
All Select Comics | 11 | All Select Comics #11 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Timely, 1946) CGC NM/MT 9.8 Off-white to white pages | Fall 1946 | |
All-Star Comics | 32 | December 1946-January 1947 | ||
Archie Comics | 21 | Archie Comics #21 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Archie, 1946) CGC NM 9.4 Off-white to white pages | July-August 1946 | |
Archie Comics | 22 | September-October 1946 | ||
Archie Comics | 23 | Archie Comics #23 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Archie, 1946) CGC NM+ 9.6 Off-white to white pages | November-December 1946 | |
All-Winners Comics | 18 | 9.8 | Summer 1946 | |
All-Winners Comics | 19 | All Winners Comics #19 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Timely, 1946) CGC VF/NM 9.0 White pages | Fall 1946 | $36,000.00 |
All-Winners Comics | 21 | 9.8 | Winter 1946-47 | |
Atomic Comics | 4 | July-August 1946 | ||
Batman (1940) | 36 | Batman #36 The Promise Collection Pedigree (DC, 1946) CGC NM+ 9.6 Off-white to white pages | August-September 1946 | |
Batman (1940) | 37 | Batman #37 The Promise Collection Pedigree (DC, 1946) CGC NM+ 9.6 White pages | October-November 1946 | |
Batman (1940) | 38 | Batman #38 The Promise Collection Pedigree (DC, 1946) CGC NM- 9.2 Off-white to white pages | December 1946-January 1947 | |
Big Shot | 72 | December 1946 | ||
Black Cat Comics | 2 | Black Cat Comics #2 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Harvey, 1946) CGC VF+ 8.5 Off-white to white pages | August-September 1946 | $1,050.00 |
Black Cat Comics | 3 | Black Cat Comics #3 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Harvey, 1946) CGC VF/NM 9.0 Off-white to white pages | December 1946 – January 1947 | $840.00 |
Black Hood Comics | 19 | Black Hood #19 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Archie, 1946) CGC NM 9.4 White pages | Summer 1946 | $6,300.00 |
Blackhawk | 11 | Summer 1946 | ||
Blackhawk | 12 | Autumn 1946 | ||
Blackhawk | 13 | Winter 1946 | ||
Blonde Phantom | 12 | Winter 1946 | ||
Blue Beetle | 44 | September-October 1946 | ||
Blue Bolt | v7 #6 | Blue Bolt V7#6 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Novelty Press, 1946) CGC NM/MT 9.8 White pages | November 1946 | $1,680.00 |
Boy Comics | 29 | August 1946 | ||
Boy Comics | 30 | Boy Comics #30 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Lev Gleason, 1946) CGC NM 9.4 White pages | October 1946 | $1,680.00 |
Boy Comics | 31 | Boy Comics #31 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Lev Gleason, 1946) CGC NM+ 9.6 Off-white to white pages | December 1946 | $2,160.00 |
Boy Commandos | 16 | Boy Commandos #16 The Promise Collection Pedigree (DC, 1946) CGC NM+ 9.6 Off-white to white pages | July-August 1946 | $1,920.00 |
Boy Commandos | 17 | Boy Commandos #17 The Promise Collection Pedigree (DC, 1946) CGC NM 9.4 Off-white to white pages | September-October 1946 | $1,680.00 |
Boy Commandos | 18 | Boy Commandos #18 The Promise Collection Pedigree (DC, 1946) CGC NM+ 9.6 Off-white to white pages | November-December 1946 | $1,920.00 |
Bulletman | 16 | Fall 1946 | ||
Camera Comics | 3 | Summer 1946 | ||
Captain Aero Comics | 26 | Captain Aero Comics #26 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Holyoke Publications, 1946) CGC NM/MT 9.8 Off-white to white pages | August 1946 | |
Captain America Comics | 57 | July 1946 | ||
Captain America Comics | 58 | September 1946 | ||
Captain America Comics | 59 | Captain America Comics #59 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Timely, 1946) CGC NM/MT 9.8 Off-white to white pages | November 1946 | $50,400.00 |
Captain Marvel Jr. | 40 | July 1946 | ||
Captain Marvel Jr. | 41 | August 1946 | ||
Captain Marvel Jr. | 42 | September 1946 | ||
Captain Marvel Jr. | 43 | October 1946 | ||
Captain Marvel Jr. | 44 | November 1946 | ||
Captain Marvel Jr. | 45 | December 1946 | ||
Captain Marvel Adventures | 63 | July 1946 | ||
Captain Marvel Adventures | 64 | August 1946 | ||
Captain Marvel Adventures | 65 | September 1946 | ||
Captain Marvel Adventures | 66 | October 1946 | ||
Captain Marvel Adventures | 67 | November 1946 | ||
Captain Marvel Adventures | 68 | December 1946 | ||
Captain Midnight | 42 | July 1946 | ||
Cat-Man Comics | 32 | Cat-Man Comics #32 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Continental, 1946) CGC NM+ 9.6 White pages | August 1946 | $45,600.00 |
Clue Comics | 10 | October 1946 | ||
Clue Comics | 11 | December 1946 | ||
Comic Cavalcade | 16 | August-September 1946 | ||
Comic Cavalcade | 17 | October-November 1946 | ||
Comic Cavalcade | 18 | December 1946-January 1947 | ||
Comics on Parade | 54 | Comics On Parade #54 The Promise Collection Pedigree (United Feature Syndicate, 1946) CGC NM 9.4 Off-white to white pages | September 1946 | $1,320.00 |
Comics on Parade | 55 | December 1946 | ||
Contact Comics | 12 | Contact Comics #12 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Aviation Press, 1946) CGC NM+ 9.6 White pages | July 1946 | $63,000.00 |
Crack Comics | 43 | July 1946 | ||
Crack Comics | 44 | September 1946 | ||
Crack Comics | 45 | November 1946 | ||
Crime Does Not Pay | 46 | July 1946 | ||
Crime Does Not Pay | 47 | September 1946 | ||
Crime Does Not Pay | 48 | November 1946 | ||
Daredevil Comics (1941) | 37 | July 1946 | ||
Daredevil Comics (1941) | 38 | September 1946 | ||
Daredevil Comics (1941) | 39 | November 1946 | ||
Detective Comics | 113 | Detective Comics #113 The Promise Collection Pedigree (DC, 1946) CGC NM/MT 9.8 White pages | July 1946 | $14,400.00 |
Detective Comics | 114 | Detective Comics #114 Double Cover – The Promise Collection Pedigree (DC, 1946) CGC NM/MT 9.8 Off-white to white pages | August 1946 | $156,000.00 |
Detective Comics | 115 | Detective Comics #115 The Promise Collection Pedigree (DC, 1946) CGC NM 9.4 White pages | September 1946 | $4,200.00 |
Detective Comics | 116 | Detective Comics #116 The Promise Collection Pedigree (DC, 1946) CGC NM 9.4 Off-white to white pages | October 1946 | $13,200.00 |
Detective Comics | 117 | Detective Comics #117 The Promise Collection Pedigree (DC, 1946) CGC NM/MT 9.8 White pages | November 1946 | |
Detective Comics | 118 | Detective Comics #118 The Promise Collection Pedigree (DC, 1946) CGC NM/MT 9.8 Off-white to white pages | December 1946 | $84,000.00 |
Doll Man | 9 | Summer 1946 | ||
Doll Man | 10 | Autumn 1946 | ||
Doll Man | 11 | Winter 1946 | ||
Don Winslow of the Navy | 36 | July 1946 | ||
Famous Funnies | 144 | July 1946 | ||
Famous Funnies | 145 | August 1946 | ||
Famous Funnies | 146 | September 1946 | ||
Famous Funnies | 147 | October 1946 | ||
Famous Funnies | 148 | November 1946 | ||
Famous Funnies | 149 | December 1946 | ||
Feature Comics | 100 | July 1946 | ||
Feature Comics | 101 | August 1946 | ||
Feature Comics | 102 | September 1946 | ||
Feature Comics | 103 | October 1946 | ||
Feature Comics | 104 | November 1946 | ||
Feature Comics | 105 | December 1946 | ||
Fight Comics | 45 | August 1946 | ||
Fight Comics | 46 | October 1946 | ||
Fight Comics | 47 | December 1946 | ||
Four Color | 112 | Four Color #112 Porky Pig – The Promise Collection Pedigree (Dell, 1946) CGC FN- 5.5 White pages | July 1946 | $288.00 |
Four Favorites | 26 | Four Favorites #26 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Ace, 1946) CGC NM 9.4 Off-white to white pages | November 1946 | $4,800.00 |
Frankenstein | 3 | Frankenstein Comics #3 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Prize, 1946) CGC NM+ 9.6 White pages | July-August 1946 | |
Frankenstein | 4 | Frankenstein Comics #4 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Prize, 1946) CGC NM 9.4 White pages | September-October 1946 | $3,840.00 |
Golden Arrow | 5 | Fall 1946 | ||
Green Hornet Comics | 31 | November-December 1946 | ||
Green Lantern (1941) | 21 | August-September 1946 | ||
Green Lantern (1941) | 22 | October-November 1946 | ||
Green Lantern (1941) | 23 | December 1946-January 1947 | ||
Hit Comics | 41 | July 1946 | ||
Hit Comics | 42 | September 1946 | ||
Hit Comics | 43 | November 1946 | ||
Hopalong Cassidy | 4 | Winter 1946 – 1947 | ||
Human Torch | 23 | The Human Torch #23 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Timely, 1946) CGC NM/MT 9.8 Off-white to white pages | Summer 1946 | $40,800.00 |
Human Torch | 24 | The Human Torch #24 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Timely, 1946) CGC NM/MT 9.8 White pages | Fall 1946 | $27,600.00 |
Human Torch | 25 | The Human Torch #25 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Timely, 1946) CGC NM 9.4 White pages | Winter 1946 | $7,800.00 |
IBIS | 5 | Fall 1946 | ||
Joe Palooka | 5 | July-August 1946 | ||
Joe Palooka | 6 | October-November 1946 | ||
Joe Palooka | 7 | December 1946-January 1947 | ||
Jumbo Comics | 89 | July 1946 | ||
Jumbo Comics | 90 | August 1946 | ||
Jumbo Comics | 91 | September 1946 | ||
Jumbo Comics | 92 | October 1946 | ||
Jumbo Comics | 93 | November 1946 | ||
Jumbo Comics | 94 | December 1946 | ||
Jungle Comics | 79 | July 1946 | ||
Jungle Comics | 80 | August 1946 | ||
Jungle Comics | 81 | September 1946 | ||
Jungle Comics | 83 | November 1946 | ||
Jungle Comics | 84 | December 1946 | ||
Key Comics | 5 | Key Comics #5 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Consolidated Magazines, 1946) CGC NM+ 9.6 Off-white to white pages | August 1946 | $1,440.00 |
Kid Eternity | 2 | Kid Eternity #2 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Quality, 1946) CGC NM+ 9.6 Off-white to white pages | Summer 1946 | $1,800.00 |
Kid Eternity | 3 | Kid Eternity #3 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Quality, 1946) CGC NM/MT 9.8 White pages | Autumn 1946 | $2,520.00 |
Lance O'Casey | 2 | Lance O'Casey #2 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Fawcett Publications, 1946) CGC NM+ 9.6 White pages | Summer 1946 | $576.00 |
Lance O'Casey | 3 | Lance O'Casey #3 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Fawcett Publications, 1946) CGC NM+ 9.6 Off-white to white pages | Fall 1946 | |
Laugh Comics | 20 | Laugh Comics #20 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Archie, 1946) CGC VF+ 8.5 Off-white to white pages | Fall 1946 | |
Lucky | 5 | Lucky Comics #5 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Consolidated Magazines, 1946) CGC VF+ 8.5 Off-white to white pages | August 1946 | |
Marvel Family | 3 | The Marvel Family #3 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Fawcett Publications, 1946) CGC NM+ 9.6 Off-white to white pages | July 1946 | |
Marvel Family | 4 | September 1946 | ||
Marvel Family | 5 | The Marvel Family #5 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Fawcett Publications, 1946) CGC VF+ 8.5 Off-white to white pages | October 1946 | $456.00 |
Marvel Family | 6 | The Marvel Family #6 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Fawcett Publications, 1946) CGC NM 9.4 Off-white to white pages | November 1946 | |
Marvel Family | 7 | December 1946 | ||
Marvel Mystery Comics | 74 | July 1946 | ||
Marvel Mystery Comics | 75 | August 1946 | ||
Marvel Mystery Comics | 76 | September 1946 | ||
Marvel Mystery Comics | 77 | October 1946 | ||
Marvel Mystery Comics | 78 | November 1946 | ||
Marvel Mystery Comics | 79 | Marvel Mystery Comics #79 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Timely, 1946) CGC VF/NM 9.0 Off-white to white pages | December 1946 | $4,080.00 |
Mary Marvel | 3 | Mary Marvel Comics #3 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Fawcett Publications, 1946) CGC NM 9.4 White pages | July 1946 | |
Mary Marvel | 4 | Mary Marvel Comics #4 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Fawcett Publications, 1946) CGC NM- 9.2 White pages | August 1946 | |
Mary Marvel | 5 | Mary Marvel Comics #5 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Fawcett Publications, 1946) CGC NM+ 9.6 White pages | September 1946 | |
Mary Marvel | 6 | Mary Marvel Comics #6 Double Cover – The Promise Collection Pedigree (Fawcett Publications, 1946) CGC NM- 9.2 White pages | October 1946 | |
Mary Marvel | 7 | Mary Marvel Comics #7 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Fawcett Publications, 1946) CGC NM+ 9.6 White pages | November 1946 | |
Mary Marvel | 8 | Mary Marvel Comics #8 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Fawcett Publications, 1946) CGC NM+ 9.6 White pages | December 1946 | |
Master Comics | 70 | July 1946 | ||
Master Comics | 71 | August 1946 | ||
Master Comics | 72 | September 1946 | ||
Master Comics | 73 | October 1946 | ||
Master Comics | 74 | November 1946 | ||
Master Comics | 75 | December 1946 | ||
Modern Comics | 51 | July 1946 | ||
Modern Comics | 52 | August 1946 | ||
Modern Comics | 53 | September 1946 | ||
Modern Comics | 54 | October 1946 | ||
Modern Comics | 55 | November 1946 | ||
Modern Comics | 56 | December 1946 | ||
Movie Comics | 1 | December 1946 | ||
Mutt %26 Jeff | 23 | August-September 1946 | ||
Mutt %26 Jeff | 24 | October-November 1946 | ||
Mutt %26 Jeff | 25 | December 1946-January 1947 | ||
National Comics | 55 | National Comics #55 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Quality, 1946) CGC VF/NM 9.0 White pages | August 1946 | $456.00 |
National Comics | 56 | National Comics #56 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Quality, 1946) CGC NM+ 9.6 Off-white to white pages | October 1946 | $660.00 |
National Comics | 57 | National Comics #57 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Quality, 1946) CGC VF+ 8.5 Off-white to white pages | December 1946 | $372.00 |
Pep Comics | 58 | Pep Comics #58 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Archie, 1946) CGC NM+ 9.6 Off-white to white pages | September 1946 | $3,120.00 |
Pep Comics | 59 | Pep Comics #59 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Archie, 1946) CGC NM+ 9.6 Off-white to white pages | December 1946 | $3,840.00 |
Planet Comics | 43 | Planet Comics #43 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Fiction House, 1946) CGC NM 9.4 White pages | July 1946 | |
Planet Comics | 44 | Planet Comics #44 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Fiction House, 1946) CGC VF/NM 9.0 White pages | September 1946 | |
Planet Comics | 45 | Planet Comics #45 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Fiction House, 1946) CGC VF/NM 9.0 Off-white to white pages | November 1946 | $2,160.00 |
Plastic Man | 4 | Summer 1946 | ||
Plastic Man | 5 | Autumn 1946 | ||
Police Comics | 57 | August 1946 | ||
Police Comics | 58 | September 1946 | ||
Police Comics | 59 | October 1946 | ||
Police Comics | 60 | November 1946 | ||
Police Comics | 61 | December 1946 | ||
Prize Comics | 59 | May-June 1946 | ||
Prize Comics | 60 | July-August 1946 | ||
Prize Comics | 61 | September-October 1946 | ||
Prize Comics | 62 | November-December 1946 | ||
Punch Comics | 19 | Punch Comics #19 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Chesler, 1946) CGC NM+ 9.6 Off-white to white pages | October 1946 | $28,800.00 |
Rangers Comics | 30 | August 1946 | ||
Rangers Comics | 31 | October 1946 | ||
Rangers Comics | 32 | December 1946 | ||
Real Fact Comics | 5 | November-December 1946 | ||
Red Ryder Comics | 41 | December 1946 | ||
Red Seal Comics | 17 | July 1946 | ||
Red Seal Comics | 18 | October 1946 | ||
Sensation Comics | 55 | July 1946 | ||
Sensation Comics | 56 | August 1946 | ||
Sensation Comics | 57 | September 1946 | ||
Sensation Comics | 58 | October 1946 | ||
Sensation Comics | 59 | November 1946 | ||
Sensation Comics | 60 | December 1946 | ||
Seven Seas Comics | 2 | 9.4 | July 1946 | |
Silver Streak Comics | 23 | [circa November 1946] | ||
Smash Comics | 66 | Smash Comics #66 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Quality, 1946) CGC VF+ 8.5 Off-white to white pages | August 1946 | |
Smash Comics | 67 | Smash Comics #67 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Quality, 1946) CGC NM+ 9.6 Off-white to white pages | October 1946 | |
Smash Comics | 68 | December 1946 | ||
Sparkler Comics | 58 | August 1946 | ||
Sparkling Stars | 15 | July 1946 | ||
Sparkling Stars | 16 | August 1946 | ||
Sparkling Stars | 17 | September 1946 | ||
Sparkling Stars | 18 | October 1946 | ||
Sparkling Stars | 19 | November 1946 | ||
Sparkling Stars | 20 | December 1946 | ||
Star Spangled Comics | 58 | July 1946 | ||
Star Spangled Comics | 59 | August 1946 | ||
Star Spangled Comics | 60 | Star Spangled Comics #60 The Promise Collection Pedigree (DC, 1946) CGC NM+ 9.6 White pages | September 1946 | |
Star Spangled Comics | 61 | Star Spangled Comics #61 The Promise Collection Pedigree (DC, 1946) CGC NM 9.4 White pages | October 1946 | $1,560.00 |
Star Spangled Comics | 62 | Star Spangled Comics #62 The Promise Collection Pedigree (DC, 1946) CGC NM/MT 9.8 White pages | November 1946 | $2,880.00 |
Star Spangled Comics | 63 | Star Spangled Comics #63 The Promise Collection Pedigree (DC, 1946) CGC NM+ 9.6 White pages | December 1946 | $1,320.00 |
Startling Comics | 41 | Startling Comics #41 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Better Publications, 1946) CGC NM 9.4 Off-white to white pages | September 1946 | $5,280.00 |
Sub-Mariner Comics | 20 | Sub-Mariner Comics #20 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Timely, 1946) CGC NM/MT 9.8 White pages | Summer 1946 | $28,800.00 |
Sub-Mariner Comics | 21 | Sub-Mariner Comics #21 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Timely, 1946) CGC NM/MT 9.8 Off-white to white pages | Fall 1946 | $21,600.00 |
Super-Mystery Comics | v6 #1 | Super-Mystery Comics V6#1 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Ace, 1946) CGC NM/MT 9.8 Off-white to white pages | August 1946 | $9,600.00 |
Super-Mystery Comics | v6 #3 | Super-Mystery Comics V6#3 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Ace, 1946) CGC VF+ 8.5 Off-white to white pages | December 1946 | $26,400.00 |
Superman (1939) | 41 | Superman #41 The Promise Collection Pedigree (DC, 1946) CGC NM/MT 9.8 Off-white to white pages | July-August 1946 | |
Superman (1939) | 42 | September-October 1946 | ||
Superman (1939) | 43 | Superman #43 The Promise Collection Pedigree (DC, 1946) CGC VF 8.0 Off-white to white pages | November-December 1946 | |
Suspense Comics | 12 | Suspense Comics #12 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Continental Magazines, 1946) CGC NM+ 9.6 Off-white to white pages | September 1946 | $11,400.00 |
Suzie Comics | 54 | Summer 1946 | ||
Suzie Comics | 55 | Fall 1946 | ||
Target Comics | v7 #10 | December 1946 | ||
Target Comics | v7 #8 | October 1946 | ||
Target Comics | v7 #9 | November 1946 | ||
The Barker | 1 | Autumn 1946 | ||
The Barker | 2 | Winter 1946 | ||
The Challenger | 3 | July; August; September 1946 | ||
The Challenger | 4 | October-December 1946 | ||
Three Aces Comics | 53 | July-August 1946 | ||
Thrilling Comics | 56 | October 1946 | ||
Tip Top Comics | 122 | September 1946 | ||
Tip Top Comics | 123 | October 1946 | ||
Tip Top Comics | 125 | December 1946 | ||
Treasure Comics | 8 | August-September 1946 | ||
Treasure Comics | 9 | October-November 1946 | ||
Treasure Comics | 10 | December 1946-January 1947 | ||
Whiz Comics | 76 | Whiz Comics #76 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Fawcett Publications, 1946) CGC NM+ 9.6 Off-white to white pages | July 1946 | $1,020.00 |
Whiz Comics | 77 | Whiz Comics #77 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Fawcett Publications, 1946) CGC VF+ 8.5 Off-white to white pages | August 1946 | $456.00 |
Whiz Comics | 78 | Whiz Comics #78 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Fawcett Publications, 1946) CGC NM+ 9.6 Off-white to white pages | September 1946 | $1,200.00 |
Whiz Comics | 79 | Whiz Comics #79 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Fawcett Publications, 1946) CGC NM+ 9.6 Off-white to white pages | October 1946 | $1,200.00 |
Whiz Comics | 80 | Whiz Comics #80 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Fawcett Publications, 1946) CGC NM+ 9.6 Off-white to white pages | November 1946 | $1,170.00 |
Whiz Comics | 81 | Whiz Comics #81 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Fawcett Publications, 1946) CGC NM 9.4 Off-white to white pages | December 1946 | $1,020.00 |
Wilbur | 9 | Summer 1946 | ||
Wilbur | 10 | Fall 1946 | ||
Wilbur | 11 | Winter 1946 | ||
Wings Comics | 71 | July 1946 | ||
Wings Comics | 72 | August 1946 | ||
Wings Comics | 73 | September 1946 | ||
Wings Comics | 74 | October 1946 | ||
Wings Comics | 75 | November 1946 | ||
Wings Comics | 76 | December 1946 | ||
Wonder Comics | 8 | October 1946 | ||
Wonder Comics | 9 | December 1946 | ||
Wonder Woman (1942) | 18 | Wonder Woman #18 The Promise Collection Pedigree (DC, 1946) CGC NM+ 9.6 White pages | July-August 1946 | |
Wonder Woman (1942) | 19 | Wonder Woman #19 The Promise Collection Pedigree (DC, 1946) CGC NM/MT 9.8 White pages | September-October 1946 | |
Wonder Woman (1942) | 20 | Wonder Woman #20 The Promise Collection Pedigree (DC, 1946) CGC NM/MT 9.8 White pages | November-December 1946 | |
World's Finest Comics | 23 | July-August 1946 | ||
World's Finest Comics | 24 | September-October 1946 | ||
World's Finest Comics | 25 | November-December 1946 | ||
Wow Comics | 45 | July 1946 | ||
Wow Comics | 46 | August 1946 | ||
Wow Comics | 47 | September 1946 | ||
Wow Comics | 48 | October 1946 | ||
Wow Comics | 50 | December 1946 | ||
Young Allies | 20 | October 1946 | ||
Young King Cole | 4 | Young King Cole V1#4 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Novelty Press, 1946) CGC NM+ 9.6 White pages | Summer 1946 | $576.00 |
Young King Cole | v2 #1 | Young King Cole V2#2 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Novelty Press, 1946) CGC NM 9.4 White pages | August-September 1946 | $1,200.00 |
Young King Cole | v2 #2 | Young King Cole V2#2 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Novelty Press, 1946) CGC NM 9.4 White pages | October-November 1946 | $1,200.00 |
Young King Cole | v2 #3 | Young King Cole V2#3 The Promise Collection Pedigree (Novelty Press, 1946) CGC VF 8.0 White pages | December 1946-January 1947 | $840.00 |
- Action Comics #102
- Action Comics #103
- All-Flash #24
- All-Flash #25
- All-Flash #26
- All Select Comics #10
- All Select Comics #11
- All Winners Comics #19
- Archie Comics #21
- Archie Comics #23
- Batman #36
- Batman #37
- Batman #38
- Black Cat Comics #2
- Black Cat Comics #3
- Black Hood #19
- Blue Bolt V7#6
- Boy Comics #30
- Boy Comics #31
- Boy Commandos #16
- Boy Commandos #17
- Boy Commandos #18
- Captain Aero Comics #26
- Captain America Comics #59
- Cat-Man Comics #32
- Comics On Parade #54
- Contact Comics #12
- Detective Comics #113
- Detective Comics #114 Double Cover
- Detective Comics #115
- Detective Comics #116
- Detective Comics #117
- Detective Comics #118
- Four Color #112 Porky Pig
- Four Favorites #26
- Frankenstein Comics #3
- Frankenstein Comics #4
- The Human Torch #23
- The Human Torch #24
- The Human Torch #25
- Key Comics #5
- Kid Eternity #2
- Kid Eternity #3
- Lance O'Casey #2
- Lance O'Casey #3
- Laugh Comics #20
- Lucky Comics #5
- The Marvel Family #3
- The Marvel Family #5
- The Marvel Family #6
- Marvel Mystery Comics #79
- Mary Marvel Comics #3
- Mary Marvel Comics #4
- Mary Marvel Comics #5
- Mary Marvel Comics #6
- Mary Marvel Comics #7
- Mary Marvel Comics #8
- National Comics #55
- National Comics #56
- National Comics #57
- Pep Comics #58
- Pep Comics #59
- Planet Comics #43
- Planet Comics #44
- Planet Comics #45
- Punch Comics #19
- Smash Comics #66
- Smash Comics #67
- Star Spangled Comics #60
- Star Spangled Comics #61
- Star Spangled Comics #62
- Star Spangled Comics #63
- Startling Comics #41
- Sub-Mariner Comics #20
- Sub-Mariner Comics #21
- Superman #41
- Superman #43
- Super-Mystery Comics V6#1
- Super-Mystery Comics V6#3
- Suspense Comics #12
- Whiz Comics #76
- Whiz Comics #77
- Whiz Comics #78
- Whiz Comics #79
- Whiz Comics #80
- Whiz Comics #81
- Wonder Woman #18
- Wonder Woman #19
- Wonder Woman #20
- Young King Cole V1#4
- Young King Cole V2#1
- Young King Cole V2#2
- Young King Cole V2#3
