Posted in: Comics | Tagged: captain marvel, Comics, inbhumans, infinity, inhumanity, marvel, new avengers, thanos, thunderbolts
The Secret History Of The Inhumans… Or The Mormons? (Infinity Spoilers)
I confess, I am now wanting a Broadway musical entitled The Book Of Inhumans. Because in today's Infinity titles from Marvel, we learn a new secret history of the family of altered, twisted race of people… and that there are lots more of them around. And it involves a lost tribe of Inhumans…
From today's New Avengers #10 we get the history…
And then the angel Gabriel came down and implanted an Inhuman with the seed of a God. Or she got knocked up by Thanos, depending on your scripture.
So here's the lost tribe of Joseph Inhumans, who seem to have managed evasion for so long.
So we have the grail, the MacGuffin, something more important to Thanos than the gems. He's got a real issue for it, as we see in Infinity #3.
So, yes, any pretence that you can just read the core Infinity book and get all you need is bunk. But I think this is where all these teasers are heading.
Because it seems that anyone out there could be a member of these secret tribes, though they may not know it. And in Infinity #3, working for and with Black Bolt, Maximus creates this thing…
Which I reckon is something to spread the Terrigen mists across the world and trigger all those latent Inhumans from the lost tribes, many of those who live happily among us. Including the son of Thanos we just saw in New Avengers. Possibly as a defence weapon from either Thanos and his arm, the Builders or an incursion from another parallel universe. possibly all three.
So there's that. Basically Inhumanity begins in Infinity #3.
Also doing stuff in Infinity #3 is Star Brand…
Which you may want to pick up Captain Marvel to get another take on a number of scenes in that.
Oddly, you have two different people having to talk him into doing something very similar in both books. It's a little bit odd that one. And Thunderbolts? Well, it gets a reference in Infinity #3…
But mostly it's worth it for this recurring joke in the actual comic.
Infinity, New Avengers, Captain Marvel and Thunderbolts are published today. Comics courtesy of Orbital Comics, London. Currently running Sophie's World, an exhibition highlighting the photographs of Sophie Aldred by Steve Cook.