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The Spider-Man With Dots For Eyes Gets His Own Spider-Verse Version

Today's Spider-Man #6 returns with Peter Palmer, the hyphenless Spiderman., and a few other references to Amazing Spider-Man for its 60th year

Peter Palmer was an American actor cast in the lead of the musical Li'l Abner, a Broadway adaptation of the comic strip, after appearing on The Ed Sullivan Show. In 1959, he played the role in the movie version and made his name well known. And somehow, between Amazing Fantasy #15's first appearance of the character and Amazing Spider-Man #1 the following year (60 years ago this year), Stan Lee slipped and changed his character's name from Peter Parker to Peter Palmer, though it switched back for Amazing Spider-Man #2.

Spiderman Without The Hyphen

And now in the current Spider-Man comic book by Dan Slott and Mark Bagley, with Peter Parker somehow lost to the Spider-Verse, the team of Web Warriors need a replacement. And they went back to the original well.

Spiderman Without The Hyphen

And brought back Peter Palmer from Amazing Spider-Man #1, now confirmed as Spiderman. Hyphens are superfluous when you have Ben-Day dots.

Marvel and DC Comics

Because, although he was Spider-Man as Peter Palmer in Amazing Spider-Man #1 in 1963, in Amazing Fantasy #15 in 1962, his first appearance as Peter Parker, he hadn't get gotten the hyphen.


And as today's Spider-Man #6 returns with Peter Palmer, the hyphenless Spiderman…


…the comic book also gives this Spiderman eye dots for times of real stress..


…right from that original Amazing Fantasy #15 from 1962, when Peter Parker's Spiderman discovers that the burglar who shot and killed Uncle Ben was the crook he previously chose not to stop.


…and present in Steve Ditko's original artwork.


If Spider-Man does really represent the end of the Spider-Verse (even with a new Into The Spider-Verse movie coming later this year), they really are trying to bring every possible memory of the character into this. And a Spiderman with eye dots will do that.

(W) Dan Slott (A/CA) Mark Bagley
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Rich JohnstonAbout Rich Johnston

Founder of Bleeding Cool. The longest-serving digital news reporter in the world, since 1992. Author of The Flying Friar, Holed Up, The Avengefuls, Doctor Who: Room With A Deja Vu, The Many Murders Of Miss Cranbourne, Chase Variant. Lives in South-West London, works from Blacks on Dean Street, shops at Piranha Comics. Father of two. Political cartoonist.
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