Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, entertainment, HRL, humble bundle, sunstone, Symmetry, think tank, top cow
Top Cow Teams With Humble Bundle For Science And Sex
The latest Humble Bundle comes from Top Cow and has a fun title/theme: Science & Sex. The collection features some of Top Cow's more recent and best-selling titles including Sunstone, Aphrodite IX, Think Tank, Symmetry and more. And part of the proceeds go to Doctors Without Borders, RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) and WDC (Whale and Dolphin Conservation). You can check out the bundle here.
The first tier of the bundle starts at $1 and features:
Think Tank Vol 1
Cyberforce Rebirth Vol 1
Aphrodite IX/Cyberforce #1
The Darkness Rebirth Vol 1
Angelus Vol 1
Rest Vol 1
Wildfire Vol 1
Berserker Vol 1
Aphrodite IX Vol 1
Blood Stain Vol 1
Swing & Sugar excerpts
The second tire starts at $8 and includes the above plus:
Sunstone Vol 1 & 2
Think Tank Vol 2
Cyberforce Rebirth Vol 2
The Darkness Rebirth Vol 2
Cyberforce/Hunter Killer Vol 1
Symmetry Vol 1 & 2
Aphrodite IX Rebirth Vol 1
Blood Stain Vol 2
IXth Generation Vol 1
And the final tier starts at $15, includes the above plus:
Sunstone Vol 3, 4 & 5
Think Tank Vol 3, 4 & 5
The Darkness Rebirth Vol 3
Hunter Killer Vol 1
Blood Stain Vol 3
Witchblade: Takeru Manga
Aphrodite IX Rebirth Vol 2
IXth Generation Vol 2
Apollo IX #1
Artemis IX #1
Athena IX #1
Poseidon IX #1
And for full disclosure, I wrote the Artemis IX #1 comics — but just found out it was part of the bundle as I was typing this up.