Posted in: Comics, Run Around | Tagged: ann nocenti, antony johnston, Comics, jay garrick, lois lane
Tuesday Runaround – Mignola, Nocenti, Garrick, Lane And Johnston
MignolaWatch: Mike Mignola covers Joseph Conrad's Heart Of Darkness for Penguin. Paul Buckley shows the design, but also check out earlier Seth covers for The Portable Dorothy Parker and Dan Clowes for Frankenstein.
DigitalWatch: Dark Horse adds 100 titles to the Nook, as well as the Kobo Vox ereader, wth its social networking aspect… now everyone knows you're reading Buffy!
ArrowWatch: Ann Nocenti has her cake and eats it, with the new Green Arrow.
However, the writer is making sure 70 years of past continuity is still very much a part of Green Arrow, even if the beard of old is just a chic five o'clock shadow.
"Where does he get his confidence at such a young age? It's part chutzpah, but it also gets back to the notion that even though he's a kid, he's got that vestigial DNA of the previous Arrow," Nocenti says.
"I wanted the new Green Arrow to somehow sense his long brutal past. It's like someone who has past lives they can't remember but feels occasional flashes of."
JayGarrickWatch: He's not the only character with a revamped history. Take Jay Garrick, the Golden Age Flash, reinvented for Earth 2 by James Robinson and Nicola Scott.
GirlfriendWatch: Lois Lane writes to DC Comics, via Wired.
"But, hey, at least in this reality, I'm alive. So far, in other universes, I've been killed three times in the last year. I expected to die spectacularly in the big Flashpoint event, since it was supposed to be a nasty alternate reality, but I'm a bit bummed that my death once again had no real purpose save to cause Superman angst. I also died in the DCU Online game, but I suppose that also might be excused since so many heroes die as players move along in that game."
GameWatch: Adi Tantimedh reports;
"Just played a Japanese video game BINARY DOMAIN, all about fighting robots in a future Tokyo, and lo and behold, when the end credits rolled, who should pop up but Antony Johnston's name as the writer who adapted the script to English.
"It's not a masterpiece of writing, of course, the love story and macho banter are corny but that's the original Japanese writer's fault than Antony's, but he deserves credit for making the dialogue performable for actors, and for making the British squaddie character convincing as a Brit military/intelligence man rather than the weird stereotype Yanks have about Brits."
I used to joke that Antony Johnston was my brother. He asked me to please stop…