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Twenty Things I Learnt At NYCC
1. Ron Garney is returning to Captain America – or rather a Captain America – or rather two Captain Americas, with Scalped writer Jason Aaron as Ultimate Captain America meets his nineteen sixties replacement who fought in Vietnam and then disappeared. The cover has Cap posing against the stars and stripes with shield on one arm, holding a machine gun in the other.
2. This is the convention where no one knows your name. No printed names on people's ID badges has led to many mistaken identities – and some creators escaping fan detection!
3. Brian Bendis claims that a recent summit between himself, Jeph Loeb and Mark Millar has set up a run on the Ultimate Universe starting with Ultimate Spider- Man #150 that will, for the next year, do something "never before seen in a mainstream super hero universe". Maybe they all go gay?
4. This is the convention where people put their heads into things. Both Marvel and Dark Horse had standees for people to stick their heads through for photo opportunities.
5. Doctor 13 team Brian Azzarello and Cliff Chiang and are working on Batman pulp comics.
6. This is the convention that had one stall seemingly selling official Playboy branded DC superhero costumes. Expect a lot more amateur superhero porn on that back of that one.
7. Jim Lee would love a degrading button for scanned in classic comics. So you can see the fresh files of Action Comics #1, and then scroll through 9.5, 9.0, 8.0, 5.0 etc versions so you can enjoy comics in different degrees of archival quality. I'm with him on that. Jim Lee is also adapting the way he draws print comics in the knowledge of how they'll work digitally – so smaller panel that have less definition when blown up by auto readers don't work as well – and for double page spreads, he's shifting the focus to the centre so that the DPS will also work as a single page fixed on the middle…
8. Miguel Sepulveda will draw the Destruction one shot for January from Marvel.
9. Christos Gage may have signed an exclusive deal with Marvel Comics. But he has an exclusion in his contract so that he can write and Avatar can publish Absolution 2 for Avatar. And Absolution 3.
10. Bleeding Cool posted this Craiglist posting for topless models to have their bodies air brushed. I'm still not exactly sure what they were promoting but they certainly drew the crowds… let's mess them up a little…
11. Ex-Wildstorm head Hank Kanalz gets promoted to Senior Vice President – Digital Comics and moves to Burbank. From co-writing Youngblood to Senior Vice President. Hell of a career path.
12. Brian Michael Bendis and Michael Gaydos will be doing new Alias comics. And Squirrel Girl will be Luke Cage and Jessica Jones' nanny.
13. Apparently Walking Dead is rather good – but the first episode has a bit of a Mark Millar Shock Moment!!
14. Expect a new Zatanna graphic novel some time next year.
15. This is the convention where one person called me a sociopath, another called me the industry's conscience. Can't I be both?
16. Zander Cannon has thumbnailed in full three issues of the second half of Top Ten Season Two. And, at some point, it will happen!!!
17. Gene Colan is going strong. And Paul Levitz looked rather relaxed.
18. This is the convention where splitting the Artists Alley from the rest of the show actually kept the crowds manageable rather than ghettoise the artists. The huge amount of people here made a big difference. It does look rather that they topped the magic 100,000 figure.
19. This is the convention where Tony Lee announced six projects. Mostly with Dan Boultwood it seems.
20. This is the convention where I really wished they had San Diego-style wifi.