Posted in: Comics | Tagged: buzzkill, Comics, dark horse, Donny Cates, valiant
Valiant Comics Offers A Money Back Guarantee On A Dark Horse Comic That Doesn't Exist
This isn't exactly business as usual…
One company liking another company's comic so much that they offer a money back guarantee. Is this totally from the goodness of their heart in this festive time? Could co-writer Donny Cates be working for Valiant soon?
We are! And if so is this a relatively cheap way to build a bit of buzz? But how could they be sure people would notice?
Okay, there we go. Hang on, wait a minute… Buzzkill is a four issue mini-series… I've been tricked!
Oh go on then, here's the cover of issue 4 out last week. Maybe you could hold Valiant Comics to the spirit of their offer…

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