Posted in: Comic Spoilers, Comics, Marvel Comics, Spoilers | Tagged: ebay, john byrne, spoilers, WandaVision, west coast avengers
WandaVision SPOILERS Push John Byrne West Coast Avengers on eBay
Today saw another episode of WandaVision drop on Disney Plus, and it's one that goes into the background of both characters. Which necessitates a big fat spoiler warning going forward – as to just why everyone has been buying back issues of John Byrne's run on West Coast Avengers today.
Previously in Avengers: Age Of Ultron, we had learned that Hydra used the Mind Stone, to create the powered-up Wanda Maximoff and Pietro Maximoff to fight the Avengers. Today we learn more of their past, their direct animosity to Tony Stark, as well as Agatha Harkness's own history. Specifically that Wanda always had powers, it was just the Stone that amplified them. Always a witch? Or always a mutant? Is there a difference? There may be a reason that the X-Men comics have seen the term "witchbreed" used for mutants a lot more of late. But that's all by the by.
Because it is the big Vision reveal, as well as Wanda Maximoff's reaction to what SWORD had done to him that saw everyone start buying up copies of West Coast Avengers by John Byrne, as he finally got a credit in the series. Certainly comparing scenes like these make it as obvious as possible.
From the comics that saw The Vision captured by a government agency and stripped to his core.
Doubt expressed over the reality of Wanda and the Vision's children, Billy and Tommy.
And rebuilding the Vision as a bleached-out version of his former self – and not just the colour.
As a result, sales on eBay yesterday saw multiple copies of West Coast Avengers #45 sell for $70 or $80 or $90 each. There is also plenty of action for West Coast Avengers #62, which followed up on John Byrne's stories, establishing Wanda Maximoff as a nexus of all realities – though that hasn't been touched on. There is also no sign of Immortus, Kang or Mephisto yet. And no reason any of them should show up. But that big Marvel cameo still to come – odds are still Benedict Cumberbatch's Doctor Strange coming to deal with Agatha – and possibly the Scarlet Witch as well.
Marvel Comics is rushing collections of House Of M, TheVision Complete Collectionand Vision & Scarlet Witch: The Saga Of Wanda & Visionback to print. They should really follow with West Coast Avengers: VisionQuest too.
Next Friday can't come soon enough.