Posted in: Comics | Tagged: Comics, marvel, sam humphries, ultimates
Will It Be Immigration Or Impeaching The President That Makes A Marvel Media Fuss Next Month?
It's true, I'd pretty much given up on The Ultimates as a comic that might entertain me. Which means when I picked up and read Ultimate Comics: The Ultimates #14 I was blown away and brought right back to those early issues that made such a difference, and which legacy had been pissed away over successive years.
We have a United States destroyed, split asunder and superheroes, not fighting to fix it, but to stop it from getting any worse. They are accepting the new political status quo and are, instead, fighting for the survival of the species. It's an engaging, provoking book and it probably deserves more attention than it's getting.
Which is what it is apparently going to get next month with some Massive Media Moment that Marvel seems to specialise in. But what could it be? Well issue 14 gives us some pointers. Naturally there are massive spoilers for the issue here.
There's one. The suspension of a President and a special election based on a constitutional quirk, smack bang in the middle of the real Presidential Election. Is that enough to get special media attention? It feels like a Birther fantasy… could that get Fox News excited?
Of course it could depend on what the policies being discussed are.
Immigration, a wall being drawn across the Californian desert, but not between America and Mexico, but California and the rest of the United States. And patrolled by tiny killer robots. The Minutewasps.
Hot buttons, certainly. Will they be treated in a trashy, exploitative, rabble rousing way by Marvel?
I do hope so.