Posted in: Comics | Tagged: acbc, Comics, doacbc, entertainment, exiles, marvel, Secret Wars
Will We Get A New 'Exiles' Series After Secret Wars?
At ACBC, Marvel Comics announced a few post-Secret Wars notes.
They publicly confirmed Bleeding Cool's report of getting a Howling Commandos series, featuring Marvel's monstrous characters in the lead, from Werewolf By Night to Frankenstein's Monster.
We already knew that A-Force would be an ongoing series – and we have run the rumour that Old Man Logan will join it, both series getting "Volume 0" notations in the Marvel listings for their Secret Wars collections.
But Marvel's Jacob Friedfeld suggested as well as A-Force, that Weirdworld would survive and that the future Hulk character Maestro from Future Imperfect, recently appearing in Spider-Man 2099 and being suggested by the Doc Green character in current issues of Hulk, would be sticking around as well, as would the Battleworld itself.
But most intriguingly was a new team book mention of a "new team of survivors from dead universes".
Doesn't that sound a bit familiar?
Okay, no, I didn't mean them.
There we go. Marvel's team of parallel universe characters hopping from dimension to dimension striving to put right what once went wrong and hoping their next leap will be the leap home…