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Writer To Writer – Del Col And McCreery Talks Holmes Vs Houdini
Christina Blanch, writer of The Damnation of Charlie Wormwood #2, talks with Conor McCreery and Anthony Del Col about Sherlock Holmes vs. Harry Houdini #2, both on sale Nov. 12
CHRISTINA BLANCH: How much research did you have to do regarding the photographic method the killer used? Or is that even real? You made it seem like it was if it's not!
CONOR McCREERY & ANTHONY DEL COL: We did some research. Mostly into the history of film, we looked into what the Lumiere Brothers were doing, some people think of them as the fathers of film, and we used that as the bar that we wanted the villain to hurdle. But as for whether or not what we show on a page COULD have happened? Well … that's part of the fun of a good story, isn't it?
CB: You have led us to believe that we know who the killer is. But there is more to it than that, yes?
M & DC: You are bang on there. I agree, I think some people have a good idea of who it might be. But that part isn't really the mystery. The mystery has a lot more to do with the Why and the How than the Who.
CB: I like how you used Houdini's wife as the voice of reason. Is she similar to Holmes' Watson?
M & DC: Definitely. Anthony and I loved that both Houdini and Holmes have people who have had to live with their larger-than-life personalities and can relate. We're hoping we can do a lot more H&H in the future, because the relationship between Watson and Bess has a lot of very fun room to grow. Hell, I'd love to do a series down the road where we're really focusing on them and H&H are the supporting players!
CB: How much fun is it to write the banter between Homes and Houdini? It looks like it's a blast!
M & DC: It's a real treat. Kill Shakespeare has some of that spirit, but it's a bit harder to do because of the way we play with language in this book. I remember reading Anthony's first draft of issue #1 and thinking to myself, "Oh yeah, this is going to be fun!"
CB: Who do you think is more clever: Holmes, Houdini or Watson?
M & DC: I think I'd like to try to escape that question (but no Bess? For shame!).