Tom King, Artgerm, Mitch Gerads, Tyler Kirkham, Mark Brooks and Patrick Mulholland coming to MCM London Comic Con in May 2025
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The Young Animal Mixtape With A 12" Gerard Way Disc And Much More At Wondercon Today
Mathew Quitney provided Bleeding Cool with a snip-snap bullet form take on the future of Doom Patrol, courtesy of Gerard Way, from Wondercon today. But Young Animal publishes other comics too. Here's the skinny, in similar style, straight from the stage, courtesy of Mathew.
We get a preview of Cave Carson Has A Cybernetic Eye #7
Mother Panic
- There are three artists doing three issues each and rotating. Each has their unique style, so the storyline reflects that while staying consistent. Each artist has a villain that ties into their aesthetic.
- Shawn Crystal's art tends to be more fantastical while Tommy Lee Edwards is more gritty.
- Steve Orlando wanted to use Ratcatcher in his Vixen one shot with Jody, but he was already being used in Mother Panic.
- "Sometimes Steve and I get the same fixation on old weird characters" -Gerard Way
- John Paul Leon is the third artist. The villain will be Remains. His costume is a body bag.
Shade The Changing Girl
- Loma is the alien possessing Megan. Cecil wanted to show how she's a different character from the horrible person that is Megan. Focusing on
- Dan Parent (Archie) is working on Life With Honey, the backup story in Shade. It's Loma's favorite Earth TV show that found its way to her home planet. This is based on what actually happened with how I Love Lucy was broadcast.
- The series will be moving to Gotham for an arc and includes nods to the rest of the YA line.
- "The best comics are a product of their time while still being timeless" – Gerard Way
- Bug will be released in May by the Lee, Michael, and Laura Allred.
- The series is a love letter to Kirby
- Gerard Way spoke about how taken he was by how passionate the team is about the character and that Young Animal is great about diving into obscure characters
- This is the debut of the colored art.
Young Animal Mixtape
- Will include a poster version of the cover
- 12" record with the Cave Carson songs
- New 3 page story

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