Get ready to run a drive-in cinema in Gas Station Simulator, as the latest free DLC gives you a new expansion for youe spot on Route 66
Posted in: Games, Video Games | Tagged: Cloud Imperium Games, star citizen
All Star Citizen Backers Can Download Alpha 3.0 Today
Yesterday, Cloud Imperium Games released some long-awaited news to the millions of backers of Star Citizen. Starting today, everyone who backed the game will now have access to the Alpha 3.0, totally free to download. The news was sent out in a newsletter to all of the game's supporters, which according to their own numbers is 1,944,320 confirmed backers, bringing their current total to make the game to $174,205,097. That's a lot of money to be waiting such a long time for a game, and those of you reading this who backed it and are downloading it, we'd love to know what you think of it.

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