Mini Motorways has a new update available for mobile, PC, and console today, as you can experience more challenges in Spires and Tires
Posted in: Games, Video Games | Tagged: Dragon Quest, Dragon Quest Tact, Final Fantasy, Square Enix, War of the Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius
Dragon Quest Tact Announces Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Collab
Square Enix has revealed a new collaboration event happening between Dragon Quest Tact and War Of The Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius. This new event will kick off on December 22nd, and will be the final event of the calendar year for the game. But it will run all the way until January 31st, so you're getting a longer-than-normal event this time around. The game will have login bonuses, special quests, and a few new challenges for you to try. Here's the rundown of everything included in this event before it launches this Thursday!
- Event Quests – By clearing the event quests, players can collect WOTV FFBE Medals, which can be exchanged for various rewards at the WOTV FFBE Medal Swap Shop, such as Bahamut SP Scout Vouchers, Vision Orbs, Iridescent Orbs, Illustrious Crystals, Cactuar Village Passes that players will need to take on the Cactuar Village, and more. By clearing the event quests, players can recruit the Hero Family S-Rank Mont (King of Leonis) and the ???-Family A-Rank Moogle for free.
- Crossover Event Login Bonus – To celebrate the crossover, there will be two types of War Of The Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius Crossover Event Login Bonuses in which players can obtain up to 3,000 Gems and 100 vouchers that can be used for SP Scouts in the WOTV FFBE crossover event.
- Bahamut SP Scout – Players have the chance to obtain the ???-Family S-Rank Bahamut and ???-Family A-Rank Cactuar from this limited-time scout. To celebrate the crossover, there will be special, exclusive Scout Stamps that players can't get in normal SP Scouts. Collecting Scout Stamps can give players access to an assortment of rewards.
- War Of The Visions Large Battle – Players can take part in the War Of The Visions Large Battle with a party of up to 8 characters with 0 stamina consumption. Players can enjoy the stage with three levels of difficulty, from Hard to EX, and compete with other players to obtain a higher score ranking, earning various rewards based on how high they rank.
- Punishingly Hard! Mog Shop's Open, Kupo!– Consisting of three levels of difficulty, players who clear each stage can earn the limited S-Rank weapon, Excalibur, and earn Bahamut Medallions to trade at the Swap Shop for various rewards such as Vision Orbs which can be used to rank up S-Rank characters from the War Of The Visions: Final Fantasy Brave Exvius crossover event.
- Cactuar Village – Dragon Quest Tact players can challenge this limited-time event by using Cactuar Village Passes, and by clearing the stages, players can receive items such as Cactuar Cards, Stamina Herb Juice, and other items/materials necessary to train characters. The Cactuar Cards can be exchanged for family fragments at the Cactuar Card Swap Shop.

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