Posted in: Games, Mobile Games | Tagged: iron maiden, Iron Maiden: Legacy Of The Beast, Navigator Games, Within Temptation
Iron Maiden: Legacy Of The Beast Announces Within Temptation Collab
Navigator Games revealed a new Within Temptation collaboration launched today in Iron Maiden: Legacy Of The Beast. Much like previous collaborations, the game will feature music from the Dutch symphonic metal group as you will make your way through a special campaign in the game. The event kicked off today and will be running for the next few weeks, as this will also be in promotion of the band joining the second leg of Iron Maiden's U.S. tour in October. We have more info on the event below along with a video showing it off.
This exciting collaboration has culminated in a dungeon event called 'The Purge' inspired by Within Temptation's 2020 single of the same name and a newly created character, Genesis. In this new storyline, Genesis teams up with the Different World iteration of Eddie – who was inspired by the lyrics, themes and imagery of Iron Maiden's 2006 track 'Different World' and the subsequent music video. This week-long event will take fans and players on a journey with Different World Eddie and Genesis, who's now been woven into the Legacy of the Beast lore, as mother of the Different World.
Genesis has remained in isolation for thousands of years and through a network of caretakers- she has recently become aware of the instability that has overtaken her home. Now she sets off to find the root of the issue. Now Genesis, moving towards a stronghold of the Different World Machine God, runs into Different World Eddie – a shard of the Eternal who has adopted the Different World philosophy. Together will they breach the Machine God's forces and stamp out a small part of the hivemind's plan?
"If I listen to Iron Maiden, I feel like I'm on an adventure and I'm traveling through time," said Sharon den Adel, lead vocalist of Within Temptation. "Eddie is my tour guide and with Eddie and Genesis teaming up.. That's the best thing ever! Aren't they a cute couple?!" Sharon continued by explaining how a piece of artwork evolved into a playable character in a game, "Genesis, for us, is not only a symbol of an evolution of life, but also a symbol for the wars within the mind and the wars with the outside world. We think it's so cool that she previously was only a piece of artwork for us. She was an inspiration for several things we were doing, but now coming to life in this game: it's a surreal thing to see.. It's a whole new level! It turned out so awesome, so check it out!"