Daedalic Entertainment announced their latest title, a story-driven, folk-horror adventure game called The Fading of Nicole Wilson
Posted in: Blizzard, Games, Overwatch 2, Video Games | Tagged: Blizzard Entertainment, overwatch
Overwatch 2 Reveals Details About Season 10 Content
Blizzard Entertainment revealed more details of the content coming to Season 10 of Overwatch 2, as it will arrive tomorrow.
Article Summary
- Overwatch 2 Season 10 launches with a free new hero, Venture, and seismic abilities.
- Introducing Mirrorwatch, a Limited Time Mode with reimagined heroes and map.
- Season 10 Battle Pass presents new unlockable rewards, including 600 Overwatch Coins.
- Experience the new Clash Trial game mode and anticipate major updates to Competitive Play.
Blizzard Entertainment has revealed what's on the way for Season 10 of Overwatch 2, set to be released tomorrow, April 16. Along with a brand new hero in the form of Venture, you'll be seeing a new Clash Trial, a new pass with 80 tiers of unlockables, a new Limited-Time Mode, and more. We have more details for you below before it launches on Tuesday, and you can get more details in their latest blog.
Overwatch 2 – Season 10
- New Hero – Venture: Venture officially joins the Overwatch 2 roster, and for the first time, will arrive free to all players (alongside all other heroes!). Venture is a spirited archaeologist who channels their passion for history into daring acts of heroism. Armed with a massive drill and an arsenal of seismic abilities, Venture brings a fresh dynamic to the battlefield (and underneath it). Outwit your adversaries and unearth victory as you dive, dig, drill, and deliver massive damage in the process.
- New Limited Time Mode – Mirrorwatch: Experience an alternate universe where the virtuous have crumbled into villainy, and the wicked emerge as heroes. Running April 23-May 13, this LTM includes reimagined hero abilities and a redesigned Watchpoint Gibraltar, now in Talon control.
- New Ways to Earn/Unlock Rewards: In response to player feedback, Season 10 introduces new ways to earn/unlock rewards.
- Coins are coming out of challenges and entering the Battle Pass, where players can earn up to 600 Overwatch Coins in the free Battle Pass.
- Mythic Prisms – a New Way to Earn Mythics: Season 10 introduces Mythic Prisms, a new way to earn Mythic skins!
- Available in the Premium Battle Pass, Mythic Prisms allow you to unlock and upgrade Mythic content to suit your style.
- Once you've completed the Premium Battle Pass, you'll have 80 Mythic Prisms, enough to fully unlock one complete Mythic skin.
- Clash Trial: Revealed at BlizzCon, Clash is the ultimate tug-of-war, where teams battle to capture five points strategically placed on a mirrored map.
- Dynamic spawns and streamlined map routes expedite your return to the fight, maximizing time spent in the heat of battle.
- Clash for the win in the limited-time trial running from April 16 to April 29.
- And More! Including an update to Wrecking Ball's kit, other hero balance updates, and major updates to Competitive Play.

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