Years after its Community Day, Niantic is offering Pokémon GO trainers another shot at a Shiny during Ralts Community Day Classic.
Posted in: Games, Mobile Games, Niantic, Pokémon GO | Tagged: Community Day Classic, Mudkip, Niantic, pokemon, pokemon go
Pokémon GO Event Review: Mudkip Community Day Classic
Last weekend, Niantic hosted the second Community Day Classic in Pokémon GO. This style of event debuted in January 2022 with Bulbasaur, leaving some Trainers to expect that Niantic would begin to cycle through the Kanto Starters in effort to revisit past Community Days. However, Mudkip Community Day showed that there will be no pattern. Let's take a look at this event to see if it was worth playing.
What worked for this Pokémon GO event
- Community Day Classic as a concept: This is a terrific idea for an event! Removing these repeats from the pool of standard Community Days will keep the main event fresh while using this bonus type of event to catch up trainers who missed the first Mudkip Community Day. This is the perfect way to repeat an event, as it doesn't take away from the actual new content.
- Mudkip: Swampert is one of the most useful Community Day species ever, so choosing Mudkip shows that Niantic is aware of what Trainers are looking for in events like this.
- The pattern: I like that we're not just cycling through the original Community Days, which gives me the feeling that we can really expect anything from this event. I'd love to see Larvitar next, personally.
What didn't work for this Pokémon GO event
- Something missing?: Was something missing from this event? Not exactly but I do think it could easily improve in a fun way. Right now, it's a cool way for newer trainers to catch up on Community Days that they weren't around to enjoy. However, a fun way to give veteran trainers something to do would be to have Shadow Mudkip available through frequent Team GO Rocket balloons, perhaps arriving every thirty minutes. No need for it to be Shiny Shadow or anything, but just this extra bit would give everyone something to do, thus balancing this event.
Community Day Classic is a great idea for an event and Mudkip is a terrific choice. Here's hoping we see more Community Day Classics!
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