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Posted in: Games, Mobile Games, Niantic, Pokémon GO | Tagged: Keldeo, Mythic Blade, Niantic, pokemon, pokemon go
Pokémon GO Event Review: Mythic Blade Keldeo-Themed Event
Pokémon GO is getting eaten alive on social media for its Mythic Blade event, but was this truly as bad of an offering as Trainers are suggesting?
What worked in this Pokémon GO event
- Solid spawns: The Fighting-type focus of the event had Hitmonlee, Hitmonchan, and Hitmontop in the wild as common spawns which was a great win for Shiny hunters. There was also the meta-relevant Machop to hunt and earn Candy and XL for, as well as Meditite and Mankey. Overall, solid spawn pool.
- Crabrawler release: We didn't get a Shiny drop but we did get a new Alolan species in the wild with Crabrawler. While this isn't the most exciting drop, anything new these days is a win in my eyes. I've come to appreciate the slow release of species in place of the full generation drops and waves, because it definitely adds spice to the game… but can anything really compare to the excitement of those big waves of releases coming out that we haven't really seen in a long time? I don't think so.
- Raids: Raids were decent for this event which, considering how we've seen Niantic handle raid rotations for the past few Seasons, is a nice surprise. There wasn't anything major in raids, but the bar has dropped quite a bit here. We had three Shiny-boosted Pokémon between Tiers One and Three with Timburr, Aerodactyl, and Skarmory, which made raids worth doing for those still in need of those Shinies.
- Ticketed Research… but hear me out: A lot of Trainers hated the Ticketed Keldeo Research, but the fact of the matter is that this is common in Pokémon GO at this point. We've seen it with Regigigas, we've seen it with Genesect, and we've seen it with GO Fest Mythicals. Whatever debuts in paid Research will later arrive for free. People are paying for Keldeo early, and that is fine to me. What's not fine is when Ticketed Research asks Trainers for money and offers nothing worthy of that money, which is what's happening in the current Winter Holiday Event, which offered Trainers the most lackluster Ticketed Research in the history of the game. The same cannot be said for this Ticketed Research.
What didn't work in this Pokémon GO event
- Increased incense spawns for ticket holders: The spawns were almost identical to the normal event pool. Weird bonus.
Overall, Mythic Blade was a fine event that is being harshly criticized for doing something that we've seen many times over again in the game. Hate it or love it, this is what Pokémon GO has done for years, and they did it a hell of a lot better in this event than the current one.

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