Teddiursa, Cubchoo, Pancham, and Stufful take center stage in a new teddy bear-themed Research Day event coming to Pokémon GO.
Posted in: Games, Mobile Games, Niantic, Pokémon GO | Tagged: Celesteela, Kartana, pokemon, pokemon go, Test Your Mettle
Test Your Mettle Brings Regional Ultra Beasts To Pokémon GO
The next major Pokémon GO event has been announced. Starting this Friday, the Test Your Mettle event will bring new Pokémon to the game, including Togedemaru, Mega Aggron, and two new Ultra Beasts, Celesteela and Kartana, which will be regional. Let's get into the details.
Here's what's happening in Pokémon GO during the Test Your Mettle event:
- Date and time: Friday, September 16th, 2022, at 10 AM to Wednesday, September 21st, 2022, at 8:00 PM local time.
- Regional Ultra Beasts: The new Ultra Beasts Celesteela and Kartana will be available to battle in Tier Five raids as they emerge from Ultra Wormholes. Unlike the Ultra Beasts featured at Pokémon GO Fest 2022: Finale, Celesteela and Kartana raids will be regional. Celesteela will arrive in the Southern Hemisphere, and Kartana will debut in the Northern Hemisphere.
- New species release: Togedemaru, an Electric/Steel-type Pokémon, will be released in the wild. It is known as the Pikachu-lookalike of Alola. All regions have them, and this is just the latest addition.
- New Mega Evolution: Mega Aggron has been unlocked. Starting with the Test Your Mettle event, you'll be able to battle Mega Aggron in Mega Raids to earn energy to Mega Evolve your own Aggron. This will also be the first time that Aggron will be able to be encountered in its Shiny form, as you previously had to catch a Shiny Aron and evolve it up.
- Wild Spawns: Magnemite, Pineco, Nosepass, Aron, Beldum, Bronzor, Drilbur, Ferroseed, and Togedemaru. Prinplup and Stunfisk will be rare spawns.
- Raids:
- Tier One: Scyther, Beldum, Shieldon, Klink, Togedemaru
- Tier Two: Magneton, Skarmory, Mawile, Lairon
- Tier Five: Celesteela, Kartana
- Mega Raids: Mega Aggron
- 7KM Gift Eggs: Alolan Sandshrew, Alolan Diglett, Galarian Meowth, Riolu, Galarian Stunfisk.
- Field Research: Magnemite, Pineco, Nosepass, Drilbur, Ferroseed, Togedemaru, Steelix Mega Energy, and Scizor Mega Energy.
- Timed Research: A new questline will reward Aggron Mega Energy and encounters with Togedemaru and Aron.
- Event Bonus: Increased Candy and a chance to receive Candy XL will be offered for catching Pokémon with successful Nice Throws, Great Throws, and Excellent Throws.

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