Posted in: Games, Mobile Games, Niantic, Pokémon GO | Tagged: galar, Niantic, pokemon, pokemon go, Ultra Unlock 2021
These Are The Galarian Pokémon Coming To Pokémon GO
Niantic has announced that, due to an oddity in time caused by the mischievous Mythical Pokémon Hoopa, a portal has opened allowed some Galarian species to arrive in Pokémon GO long before the full Generation Eight reveal. Let's take a look at each of the species that will be available during the upcoming Ultra Unlock Part Three: Sword & Shield event and how trainers will be able to encounter them.
The new Galarian Pokémon arriving in Pokémon GO during the Ultra Unlock Part Three event include:
- Zacian: Tier Five raids from Friday, August 20th at 10 AM until Thursday, August 26th at 10 AM
- Zamazenta: Tier Five raids from Thursday, August 26th at 10 AM until Wednesday, September 1st at 10 AM
- Falinks: Tier Three raids from Friday, August 20th at 10 AM until Thursday, August 26th at 10 AM; Wild spawn
- Wooloo: Wild spawn
- Dubwool: Evolve Wooloo
- Skwovet: Wild spawn
- Greedent: Evolve Skwovet
The previously released Galarian Forms will be available as well:
- Galarian Slowpoke: Tier One raids from Friday, August 20th at 10 AM until Thursday, August 26th at 10 AM; Hatching from 7 KM Eggs
- Galarian Zigzagoon: Tier One raids from Friday, August 20th at 10 AM until Thursday, August 26th at 10 AM; Hatching from 7 KM Eggs
- Galarian Weezing: Tier Three raids from Friday, August 20th at 10 AM until Thursday, August 26th at 10 AM
- Galarian Farfetch'd: Tier One raids from Friday, August 20th at 10 AM until Thursday, August 26th at 10 AM; Hatching from 7 KM Eggs
- Galarian Ponyta: Tier One raids from Thursday, August 26th at 10 AM until Wednesday, September 1st at 10 AM; Hatching from 7 KM Eggs
- Galarian Darumaka: Tier One raids from Thursday, August 26th at 10 AM until Wednesday, September 1st at 10 AM; Hatching from 7 KM Eggs; Wild spawn
- Galarian Meowth: Tier One raids from Thursday, August 26th at 10 AM until Wednesday, September 1st at 10 AM; Hatching from 7 KM Eggs
- Galarian Stunfisk: Tier Three raids from Thursday, August 26th at 10 AM until Wednesday, September 1st at 10 AM; Hatching from 7 KM Eggs
Galarian Pokémon will also appear as encounters in Timed and Field Research, but no further details were given.
The full details of the event are up at the Pokémon GO blog:
The final part of this year's Ultra Unlock will feature the Pokémon GO debuts of two Legendary Pokémon first found in the Galar region, Zacian and Zamazenta, in their Hero of Many Battles forms! It appears that the one who brought them to Pokémon GO was none other than Hoopa, which recently caused mischief during Pokémon GO Fest 2021. Alongside them, Skwovet, Greedent, Wooloo, Dubwool, and Falinks will be arriving in Pokémon GO. If you're lucky, you might even find a Shiny Galarian Meowth, a Shiny Galarian Farfetch'd, a Shiny Galarian Weezing, or a Shiny Galarian Stunfisk!
Date + Time
Friday, August 20, 2021, at 10:00 a.m. to Tuesday, August 31, 2021, at 8:00 p.m. local time