Kieron Gillen posted the following Caspar Wijngaard art to Instagram, for the Final Order Cut Off for comic stores to order The Power Fantasy #8 on
Posted in: Movies | Tagged: Ava Duvenay, black panther, marvel, movie
Ava Duvenay's Marvel Movie? It's Black Panther
Yesterday, the Wrap reported that Marvel were in talks with Selma director Ava Duvenay to direct an upcoming movie, one of their "diverse" superhero movies, naming either Captain Marvel or Black Panther.
I've just had it confirmed from one of our production sources that it would indeed be Black Panther, lined up for 2018.
With scenes of Wakanda, vibranium and Ulysses Klaw in the recent Avengers: Age Of Ultron movie, the film will star Chadwick Boseman, who will appear in the role first in Captain America: Civil War,.
Of course.. Ava still has to say yes…

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