Posted in: Bleeding Cool Chatter, Movies | Tagged: black panther, bleeding cool chatter, film
Bleeding Cool Chatter #19: Spoiler-Free Black Panther Review
Bleeding Cool Chatter is a new web series hosted by Bleeding Cool's head film writer Kaitlyn Booth. This time, Kaitlyn is joined by fellow film and TV writer Bill Watters.
Black Panther is finally here, and boy, do we have a lot of feelings about it. At time of recording only a handful of Bleeding Cool writers have seen the movie, so it was just Bill and I are here to give you our spoiler-free reviews. We both really enjoyed the movie and we talk a bit about our immediate reactions, the minor problems we have, and what we think this movie is going to mean in the long run.
This is a new thing we're starting, so we're still ironing out the kinks. The big thing we want from anyone who decides to watch this series is: how would you like it presented?
Do you like one episode in one video like this in this one? Or do you like shorter videos like we had in the previous episodes? Do you want something a little longer? Our episodes are going to run less than an hour, and we want to set these up in a way that works for our audience.
Let us know what you think in the comments!