Posted in: Movies, TV | Tagged: Central City, cw, entertainment, flash, Gorilla Grodd, Harrison Wells, television
You Can Take The Gorilla Out Of The City…
This article contains spoilers for the Flash episode – Attack on Gorilla City.
We got a glimpse of Gorilla City last season, but last night Barry Allen, Caitlin Snow, Cisco Ramon and Julian Albert jumped through a portal and headed into the city to save the Harrison Wells of Earth-2. It's a pretty straight forward story. They sent Gorilla Grodd to the city where he was a subordinate of Solovar. Grodd doesn't like to be subordinate to anyone so he uses Wells as bait to bring the Flash and friends and trap them. Then forces a fight between Solovar and Flash, so when Flash wins, Grodd would become ruler of the city. He then planned to use Cisco to open a portal back to Earth-1 so he and his army of super-intelligent gorillas could invade Central City.
Being the Flash is a good guy, he falls for all of the deceit and ends up fighting Solovar. The albino gorilla does very well, Flash's speed and lightning strike, but goes down men Barry phases into the creature like Reverse-Flash used to do. He refuses to kill Solovar, and demands his deal with the fallen gorilla be honored… freeing him and his friends. But with Solovar's defeat, Grodd is now ruler and throws Flash back in the cell. Caitlin makes it look like Barry is dead, so the body is checked and dragged out of the cell. Then Barry revives, frees the others and the escape back to Earth-1 to live happily ever after…. right?
We also deal with two budding romances here. Jessie Quick and Wally West are left on Earth-1 to protect the city while Flash is away. Jesse is distant once she finds out that Wally is Kid Flash. She see this as an impediment to their being together. Wally tells her he wants her to stay with him. We'll see what happens when she tells her father. The other romance appears to be Caitlin and Julian. He goes with them to Earth-2 and it seems it's because he wants to go to the Planet of the Apes. But we learn that he's more concerned about Caitlin. When she tries to push him away at the end because of her powers… he smoothly turns it into the two of them going to get dinner. Seems the guy has some game.
This is the first of two parts and really didn't have a lot to it other than setting up whatever we're going to see next week. The most interesting thing here is that Tom Cavanagh gets to add yet another version of Wells to the various versions. He's played the original Earth-1 Wells, the Eobard Thawne version of Wells, the Earth-2 Wells and the Earth-28 / HR Wells. Now you can add the Grodd projecting his mind through Wells version. How many more variations with the writes come up with as the series progresses?
The episode ends with Grodd in front of his army of Gorillas and talking to Gypsy about her opening the portal to Earth-1 and Central City. Looks like the series will blow it's special effects budget next week.