Posted in: Horror, Movies | Tagged: amazon, corona zombies, coronavirus, full moon corona zombies, full moon features, full mooon direct
'Corona Zombies' Coming to VOD April 10th From Full Moon Features
Corona Zombies, a new horror film from Full Moon Features, will hit their Amazon and Full Moon Features app, and pretty much every VOD channel on April 10th. Didn't take them very long did it? Who else but Full moon would have a film ready to go during a pandemic? They are also offering sales of the film's poster, which can be seen below. Go here for more info on the film.
As the world buckles to a global pandemic, as businesses temporarily board their doors and as citizens lock themselves away in social isolation in hopes of "flattening the curve", Full Moon answers the crisis with the sort of gonzo humor and far-out fantasy that has made us famous. Get ready for…CORONA ZOMBIES! We are currently in post-production on the gory, outrageous cannibal corpse outbreak movie CORONA ZOMBIES, a satirical – and timely – vision of a global pandemic spiraling out of control, one that causes its victims to become cannibalistic, creepy and contagious Corona Zombies! A government asleep at the wheel! The wealthy shrugging it off! And a virus that causes its victims to get up and kill! The people they kill…get up and kill! says "Corona Zombies may just be the entertainment that we all need right now". says " Leave it to the folks over at Full Moon to already have a Coronavirus zombie movie!"
CORONA ZOMBIES will be released across Full Moon's digital entertainment platforms, including Amazon and the Full Moon Features channel and app, on April 10th, 2020. Expect the expected unexpected! ALSO! We'll be selling a limited run of official posters via this week. Keep checking the site for on-sale dates. CORONA ZOMBIES are coming…for YOU!
Will you watch this? Will anyone watch this? Let us know down below in the comments.