Posted in: Movies | Tagged: ABC, agents of shield, Clarg Gregg, Comics, entertainment, jeph loeb, marvel, Phil Coulson
Getting In Line For Agent Phil Coulson
Brian Goldberg writes and Kirk Staley took pictures for Bleeding Cool:
I've been going to NYCC for many years now. One of the generous things that can be found at this show are the free autograph sessions. Instead of charging fans, autographs are given freely to help promote the brand of a television show.
Normally I am not the type to fight it out for thirty seconds of face time with a celebrity so I've generally avoided them altogether.
When I heard the star if my favorite television show was doing a signing my mind was changed. Clark Gregg has played Shield Agent Phil Coulson in the Phase 1 Avengers films and now helms the lead of the ABC series Agents of Shield.
I had to try.
When the show floor opened I rushed to the Marvel booth and lined up for a ticket for an autographing session later that afternoon. When I saw the booth managers mixing a variety of tickets into a bag. I knew something was up and the anxiety started to set in. My suspicions were confirmed when we were informed that we may not actually by pulling an autograph ticket. There was a possibility we could be pulling a ticket to jump to the front of the Marvel concessions stand.
My fellow fans went one by one and pulled tickets. Some were victorious and some left defeated. When it was my time and my hand was in the bag, I felt around and picked my ticket. When I pulled the winner out I did a quiet mental fist pump and walked away feeling like a million bucks.
The autographing session happened at 2:45 and I claimed my prize. Mr. Gregg seemed genuinely happy to be there and was very friendly. Even though I'm on team Hydra, my Agents of Shield fandom was cemented for life.
The above was written by Brian Goldberg and that is his image. Everything below was shot by Kirk Staley as he went to an autograph.