Posted in: Horror, Movies | Tagged: a nightmare on elm street, a nightmare on elm street 5, noes, Robert Englund, robert englund a nightmare on elm street script, the dream child
Robert Englund Wrote an Interesting 'NOES' Script Back in the Day
Robert Englund is constantly, and I mean constantly, asked about A Nightmare on Elm Street. It is understandable, but man, it seems like it would get tiring pretty fast. Always being asked if he would play Freddy again. Always asked when the franchise is coming back. Always being asked who he thinks would be a good Freddy to replace him. On and on and on it goes. Well, interestingly enough, I had never heard about a NOES script he penned years ago, a different take on where he thought an interesting story could be told. He recently had this to say about his script to ComicBook:
Photo by Mary Anne Butler
"I submitted [a script] back in the day, around [A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors], which would be the older sister of the character Tina from Nightmare 1, would return to the franchise, or would be introduced to the franchise as a kind of collegiate, X-Files Nancy Drew, because she was on this obsessed quest to find out what really happened to her sister," the actor detailed. "I think that would be really interesting, to discover the truth of the 'Nightmare on Elm Street' to the eyes, and then she would fulfill the balance of the ingredients and the recipe and the menu of Nightmare on Elm Street, which is you need a strong woman, always, to take you through. It always has to be through the eyes of a strong woman, because even if they're skeptical and wise and cynical, they still need to lose some of their innocence about the darkness and the evil that lurks in the world."
"But it would be interesting for someone to try to solve what happened, looking back, and you could even have her older now. You could have her be a graduate student, 28 years old, and just wondering what happened to her little sister all those years ago. It would be fun to do."
Yeah, I agree with him there. That would be a much more interesting than, oh, say, The Dream Child.
What say you, Monster Kids? Would you like to see that made?
First seen on ComicBook