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Transformers Cosplay Group Debuts Short Film At Phoenix Comicon
Matthew Barta (of Nerd Team 30) writes –
What do you get when a film director discovers a Transformers Cosplay group? You get one great short fan film. Director Lior Molcho (Chisel Pixel) and the Arizona Autobots bring you, Transformers Generation 1. The short film made its debut Friday night at Phoenix Comic Con. Being a die-hard Transformers fan I could not pass up being at the premier. We got to watch the film and learn about the process they went through to make it.
The idea for the film came when Lior found photos of a few Transformers cosplayers on Facebook. He attended Phonix Comicon 2015 and realized that the Arizona Autobots are actually a huge group made up of around 30 members. Lior approached the group and asks if they would like to make a movie about robots punching each other in the face. The group was more than happy to agree.
We next proceeded to watch the just less than 15 minute film. Full of action, betrayal, and all the humor we would expect from the 80's cartoon. Even though it was short, they were able to convey a great story that pulled on the nostalgia strings. Michael Bay should take note on how to make a Transformers movie the fans actually want to see.
After the film we were introduced to the cast and crew of the film and learned more about the film-making process. Originally it was to be filmed in Phoenix, but the forecasts were calling for above 120 degree temperatures. Maybe they could shoot at night. Nope, still above 100. The decision was made to shoot in LA, so the Arizona Autobots crammed themselves and all the gear into a van and made trip to the shoot.
As they continue to discuss some of the processes, we all learn (including the actors) that all the animation in the film was hand painted. Knowing they used only practical effects in this film made it even more special. A real flying Starscream using an RC plane and drones to film the shots. RC cars driving across desert landscapes. A model Arc replica for background images. To top it all off every laser blast and even the mouth movements were all hand painted frame-by-frame. Sure it could have been done in a fraction of the time using CG, but it takes dedication to want it done right.
The entire film was filmed in a 39 hour window. The highlight of the shoot for everyone seemed to be the irate neighbors that had an issue with the night shoot. "Why don't you take your Power Rangers and get out of here." They all eventually came to an agreement and the rest of the shoot goes on without any issues. Wanting to make it look and feel real, the actors ended up actually punching each other in the face, dragging themselves through the sand, and even falling flat on their backs.
We were next treated to a few minute behind the scenes video with a little more insight on the filmmaking process. We also learned that they do have plans for a sequel and even have certain bots in mind to add to the story. Everyone in attendance was excited about the film they just saw. Pulling hard on the Transformers nostalgia strings is a good way to keep me happy. They set out to make the film they wanted, they ended up making a film that every Transformers fan needs to see.
The trailer for the film
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