Twenty years ago, Marvel created a new line called 2099 Based on initial ideas by Stan Lee and John Byrne, it saw creators such as Peter David, Warren Ellis, Rick Leonardi, D'Israeli, Humberto Ramos, Pat Mills and Chuck Dixon recreate Marvel superheroes in an increasingly sci-fi background.
It had some highs, it had some lows, it[...]
2099 Archives
It's due to be published in early July in the US. And late June in the UK. But I understand that the publication date of the final chapter of League Of
Alan Moore is engaging in a videochat with 58 people who paid $99 as part of a Kickstarter effort to raise money for a Harvey Pekar tribute statue. He
One of these days people will make convention announcements at the convention itself.
Until then, Spider-Man: Edge Of Time developed by Beenix will use both Spider-Man and the Spider-Man 2099 character to fix the timeline after the death of Peter Parker. Possibly with time webbing, I'm not sure.
And the game narrative is written by Spider-Man 2099[...]