The series, created by writers Brian Hawkins and Patrick Foreman and artist Marco Perugini, envisions a world where the "social order" of race in America is reversed.
Black Cotton #1 reprint cover Credit: Scout Comics
When announcing the second printing, Scout Comics President James Haick said:
"We are so proud that the critically acclaimed Black Cotton #1 is going back to[...]
Brian Hawkins Archives
Brian Hawkins writes for Bleeding Cool:
What If America Was Never a Democracy?
What if America was never a democracy but a monarchy? That's the premise of a new comic book series titled, America's Kingdom In this alternate history/reality, it's modern day America but under the rule and reign of a descendant of George Washington named Prince[...]
Brian Hawkins writes for Bleeding Cool:
What if America had never been a democracy but instead a monarchy? It's modern day America but under the reign and rule of a descendant of George Washington, Prince Geoffrey, who is the sole heir and soon to be king of the United Kingdom of America It's twenty-first century America,[...]