Bruxish Archives

Shiny Bruxish Debuts in Pokémon GO for Festival of Colors 2025
local time Shiny release: Bruxish will be available in its Shiny form for the first time. Wild Spawns: Drowzee (can be Shiny), Magikarp (can be Shiny), Natu (can be Shiny), Aipom (can be Shiny), Meditite (can be Shiny), Dwebble (can be Shiny), Bruxish (can be Shiny), and Flabébé (can be Shiny). Red Flower Flabébé: Appearing in Europe, the[...]
Bruxish Arrives in Pokémon GO for Festival of Colors 2023
The Festival of Colors 2023 Event will feature the release of Mega Medicham in Mega Raids and Bruxish in both the wild and Tier One raids The event is themed to Pokémon with different appearances, including Oricorio, Exeggutor, Burmy, and Oricorio During the event, there will also be useful bonuses like extended Lure Modules and[...]