cartoon Archives

In Court For Drawing A Cartoon Of The Pope
In 2010, French cartoonist Plantu drew a cartoon picturing the Pope having sex with a baby Which means the Pope portrayed wasn't this Pope, it was the last one. As a result, he has been sued by a Catholic association under French laws regarding incitement to hatred or religious discrimination, and will appear in court tomorrow. The cartoon,[...]
Justice League: War – The NYCC Panel Recap
There were the obligatory requests for more Young Justice and Justice League TV series which sounded quite out of the realm of possibility (look up the abrupt cancellation of Young Justice and Green Lantern: The Animated Series by Cartoon Network for further explanation) The panel ran down the previously announced future titles which are Son[...]
Could We Have Had A Gay Aqualad?
So Aquaman isn't in Justice League War. But Aquaman is getting his own movie. And Aquaman was in the Flashpoint Paradox movie, as was a certain sidekick, as tweeted by one keen Young Justice fan; Look who has a non-speaking cameo in #JusticeLeagueTheFlashpointParadox! @Greg_Weisman @BrandonVietti @kharypayton — Young Justice Wiki (@YJWiki) July 22, 2013 Which let to this little[...]
Is A Guardians Of The Galaxy Cartoon On The Way?
From last week's Guardian of The Galaxy letters pages, comes this Steve Wacker-penned missive: Now, look, I can't officially confirm that we spent a LOT of time talking about the Guardians Of The Galaxy cartoon but wouldn't that HYPTHETICALLY… be amazing? Yes, hypothetically it would. Also on the letters page, and away from Saturday Morning toons:   Could this also[...]
Young Justice, The Cartoon, The Toys And The Fans
A fan petition created hours ago has already reached well over 6000 signatures, a mail in campaign featuring domino masks is being considered), and Twitter and FaceBook pages of Warner Brothers Entertainment and Cartoon Network are full to the brim… It does seem to have momentum Is this a campaign that will be easy to ignore?[...]
Axe Cop As President
[youtube][/youtube] Before we get the Axe Cop cartoon proper… it's time to ask Axe Cop about becoming President. He has plans Oh yes After all, he is Axe Cop. [youtube][/youtube] Before we get the Axe Cop cartoon proper… it's time to ask Axe Cop about becoming President. He has plans[...]
Time For A Little SuperF*cker Action
The first chapter of SuperF*ckers, based on the Top Shelf comic from James Kochalka. Yup. Sweet Mystery.
Ultimate Spider-Man Does James Bond For Your Eye Only... dah dah dahdaaah dah dah daaah dah dadadaa da da daaahhhh Grab the family and bond over
Grace Randolph's Between The Pages – The Ultimate Spider-Man Or The Dregs?
[youtube][/youtube] Disney XD has premiered it's new Marvel animation block of 2012, yet fans are not happy about the Ultimate Spider-Man TV series! Even though this cartoon is written by Brian Michael Bendis and Paul Dini plus the trailer got a ton of views, the show seems to be a different story[...]
Strike At The Strand Bookstore: The Comic
Greg Farrell is a cartoonist who works at the Strand Bookstore in Manhattan, the staff of whom are currently in conflict with management over a new contract And he's decided to record events vis the medium of comic book. You know, people often accuse comic book creators, editors and publishers of being left wing Then how[...]
A New Cartoon – And A Very New Look – For Sabrina The Teenage Witch
Archie Comics and Moonscoop, creators of the Fantastic Four and Titeuf cartoons, have announced a new cartoon for another longstanding comic book character created by George Gladir and artist Dan DeCarlo,  Sabrina, The Teenage Witch. Already a live action TV sitcom and animation, the new version, well, emos her up a little Sabrina The Twilight Witch? They[...]
Will Miles Morales Star In The Ultimate Spider-Man Cartoon? (UPDATE: NO)
Being written by Brian Michael Bendis and produced by Marvel Studios, the new Ultimate Spider-Man cartoon is set to air on Disney XD next year I've mentioned this before but it might be worth repeating Peter Parker does not appear in the footage seen so far He is not mentioned, he is not named, he[...]
Dexter, The Motion Comic
It's still too far away from the next series of Dexter from Showtime, showing in the UK on FX. So until then, here's a look back at the motion
That Ultimate Spider-Man C2E2 Cartoon Footage And Screencaps
Along side the release of the movie next summer will come a Spider-man cartoon that looks a little like this… [youtube][/youtube] Along side the release of the movie next summer will come a Spider-man cartoon that looks a little like this… [youtube][/youtube] [...]
The New Thundercats Cartoon – First Pic (UPDATE)
From the London Toy Fair, taken under maximum security conditions, a first look at the new Thundercats cartoon… SECOND UPDATE: Second image added to the site Better image? Worse? UPDATE: We have more details… The character designs seem to be very anime-inspired, making them radically different to the originals However, it didn't give me the negative[...]
South Africa's President Sues Over Rape Cartoon
A cartoon, by legendary South African satirist Zapiro, of President Zuma preparing to rape the justice system while other bodies hold the blinded, desparate justice system down. Zuma is depicted by Zapiro with a shower over his head, symbolic of an unsuccessful rape accusation against Zuma The trial for which reported that Zuma, famed for numerous[...]
Speedy Gonzales' Ad For Virgin
He may be considered by some to be part of a series of offensive sterotypical cartoons But no one in the UK has ever thought about that. So he's a perfect choice to demonstrate the speed of Virgin Broadband, even if that means he ends up in a dress, in a commentary upon how even the[...]
The Iranian Street Cartoonist
I write and draw editorial cartoons for UK political blogger Guido Fawkes I feel terribly smug, satirical and pompous while doing so, striking a blow against the most corrupt of politics. Meanwhile people are fleeing for their lives for doing similar in Iran. A friend of mine reports the words of one such person in Tehran[...]