cb cebulski Archives

SDCC Marvel Cup O' Joe Panel Report: Lackluster And Boring
Bringing editors Nick Lowe, CB Cebulski, Sana Amanat, Stephen Wacker the VP of Development of Marvel TV and New Media, and creators Kris Anka, Rainbow Rowell, Sean Ryan and fresh off his Eisner win, Ryan North, the room slowly filled with fans eager to hear what next big thing will be shared with us now[...]
The Strange Case Of Akira Yoshida, Marvel Comics And The West Wing
And CB Cebulski is CJ Cregg- probably the CB/CJ similarity is where Gregg's West Wing analogue naming began. Oh and I'm in it too, reimagined as Bruno Gianelli. And I can confirm that yes, I did investigate this back in the day but couldn't get far enough. And the story alleged that CJ Cregg was Roberto Mendoza[...]
CB Cebulski Moves To China, Full-Time, For Marvel And Disney
Marvel's CB Cebulski is moving his New York base to Disney Shanghai…. He writes on Facebook, With today being my Marvel anniversary, I guess it's the perfect time to talk about some big news I've been sitting on till the right moment presented itself. Since starting with the company in 2002, I've had a number of different roles[...]
CB Cebulski To Leave Marvel In New York… Forever!
CB Cebulski, Vice President of International Business Development & Brand Management at Marvel Comics is celebrating his 14th year at Marvel next week. And while he spends much of his time in Asia these days pursuing the interests of Marvel Comics, he still calls New York, where he grew up, where he lived his life, the[...]
Mike Marts' Final Project For Marvel – Cooking For Wolverine
You think Secret Wars #9 is late (January 6th 2016 right now)? Not a bit of it. This was a Thanksgiving timed episode of 3 Course Comics with CB Cebulski, mixing comics and food. It's just that it was meant to be last Thanksgiving Filmed around the time of the Death Of Wolverine, with Katie Kubert, Adam Kubert[...]
What Did CB Cebulski Mean About The Cancellation Of The Fantastic Four?
Diana McCallum reported for Bleeding Cool from Fan Expo in Toronto this weekend. Which included writing up a Marvel panel where Marvel Senior VP CB Cebulski was asked, straight out, what was up with the Fantastic Four Namely, "Is the decision to proceed without a Fantastic Four monthly something that originated with Marvel East editorial or did that come[...]
ECCC '15: Marvel Official – It's Not A Reboot
More on that tomorrow. But as for a reboot? In the Marvel panel at ECCC in Seattle today, they made that clear. Marvel's CB Cebulski stated that what Marvel readers are getting is "not going to be a reboot, not going to be a revamp, not like everything's changing" while Captain Marvel writer Kelly Sue DeConnick reiterated[...]
An Official Attack On Titan/Marvel Comics Crossover In Two Weeks
Senior VP at Marvel Comics, CB Cebulski has announced what could be the best-selling comic of the year The biggest manga right now, Attack on Titan attacking Marvel Comics… and we find two weeks. Not a joke, folks Attack on Titan and the @Marvel universe are crossing over! In 2 weeks In Japan Want a teaser?[...]
SDCC 2014: Breaking Into Comics The Marvel Way Panel
By Joe Glass Another comic con, another opportunity for Marvel to share with everyone the multiple paths of getting into this crazy industry of comics. The panel was headed by Editor-in-Chief Axel Alonso and Marvel talent scout, CB Cebulski, along with a team of talent including Declan Shalvey (having just come off a successful stint on Moon Knight),[...]
CB Cebulski To Quit Marvel Publishing? CONFIRMED – UPDATE
It has reached my ear that at Tuesday's editorial retreat, Marvel Comics' Senior Vice President of Talent Co-ordination, CB Cebulski informed the folks present that he will be leaving to assume a larger role in the Marvel/Disney organisation. The details are sketchy, right now But could he be moving out West where his choice of shirts[...]
Marvel's CB Cebulski To Be An Ultimate Comics Celebrity Chef
CB Cebulski, VP Senior Talent Manager for Marvel Comics, is have his Ultimate Marvel identity revealed in Ultimate Spider-Man #200 tomorrow. The Ultimate line usually gives us different versions of traditional Marvel characters, with some interesting twists Well, CB Cebulski, after his Pint O' CB panels at comic conventions is certainly quite a character Also he's[...]
Marvel Comics Met With LucasFilm Last Week
I hear gossip that that Marvel editor-in-chief Axel Alonso, and executives CB Cebulski and Jordan D White visited LucasFilm last week for discussions about Star Wars comics. I'm told that we're looking at a couple of monthly series but creative teams are not yet settled I'm told that we're looking at a couple of monthly series[...]
Make Comics… Then Give Them Away
Wes Locher writes for Bleeding Cool; Two years ago, when I was first thinking about getting into the business of writing comics, I did what anyone else
Mighty Marvel Spider Spoiler – Monday Trending Topics
CB Cebulski of Marvel is planning a portfolio review at the Festo Comic Con in Mexico And Marvel and the show have made a downloadable script of Mighty Avengers #1 available for people to create some sample art to be judged And new artists for Marvel discovered! But the script has some issues[...]
Breaking Into Comics The Marvel Way
Michael McDermott writes for Bleeding Cool: Just like Martin and Kendrick... Michael has a dream. It's a simple one really, I'd like to pay my bills
Monday Trending Topics: Comic Art For Comic Art's Sake
It has caused quite the stir, but could the pose be a complete coincidence? Possibly, but Paola has form in this regard. Kaare Andrews On CB Cebulski And The Speed Of Production  Kaare Andrews was one, however, who wanted to go on the record about the scheduling issue He writes for Bleeding Cool; Most-Read TV/Film Stories Today: Scoop: Michael[...]
Kaare Andrews On CB Cebulski And The Speed Of Production
At the weekend, CB Cebulski took part in a round table discussion about the comics industry for the Toronto Star An unexpurgated version later went online. It caused considerable controversy amongst comics creators, some who wondered exactly who it was selling their art for $5000 a cover, $1000 a page, who wasn't Jim Lee, Frank Miller[...]
When Marvel And DC Turned Down Gerry Alanguinan
Marvel's Talent Director and international gourmand CB Cebulski is too, and the local comic book creators are getting ready to show him their portfolios through the National Book Store. Deadline is tomorrow to get them in folks. And as part of a motivational drive, Eisner nominee Gerry Alanguinan has been posting… well… his rejection letters from Marvel[...]