Cities: Skylines II Archives

Paradox Interactive Reveals Three New Games & Several Updates
Paradox Interactive released a new blog today for Cities: Skylines II, going over some of the end-of-year content being added shortly The notes come from Mariina Hallikainen, CEO of developer Colossal Order, who reveals what's going to be released before the team heads out for the holidays This includes items like improved the level of[...]
Paradox Interactive Reveals Three New Games & Several Updates
Paradox Interactive recently released a new blog for Cities: Skylines II, as they went over some of the things in the works to improve the game The blog was written by Mariina Hallikainen, CEO of Colossal Order, the developer of the game The team is currently prioritizing performance updates and the mods editor availability, as[...]
Paradox Interactive Reveals Three New Games & Several Updates
Paradox Interactive and developer Colossal Order have released the first of several performance-improving patches on the way for Cities: Skylines II As it is with almost every video game these days, no launch is perfect, and some bugs crept up when the game was launched So, the company released a patch to fix some of[...]
Paradox Interactive Reveals Three New Games & Several Updates
Paradox Interactive announced this week that their planned console release for Cities: Skylines II will be taking a step back by a few months The team released a notice this week letting players know that while the PC version of the game is still on track for release, which we know now is October 24,[...]
Paradox Interactive Reveals Three New Games & Several Updates
Paradox Interactive has an all-new deep-dive blog and video for Cities: Skylines II this week as they explore more of the game's photography options The latest blog goes over a lot of the options that you'll have with the game's Camera mode, which ill basically give you the option to practically shoot all kinds of[...]
Paradox Interactive Reveals Three New Games & Several Updates
Paradox Interactive adds another chapter to their weekly deep dive series for Cities: Skylines II, this time focusing on the way your citizens behave Specifically, the team is going over how your citizens need things, and it will be up to you to help provide those things for them in various ways without acting like[...]
Paradox Interactive Reveals Three New Games & Several Updates
Paradox Interactive released another deep-dive blog for Cities: Skylines II this past week, as they talked about the progression system in the game Essentially, this time around, things will be changed up so that milestones can be unlocked as you progress your city from bare-bones town all the way to the metropolis you wish it[...]
Paradox Interactive Reveals Three New Games & Several Updates
Paradox Interactive has released the latest deep dive video and blog this week for Cities: Skylines II, as they look at the economy and production This is basically a look at how your city will survive on a financial level, as the devs have taken the time to look at how you'll produce to keep[...]
Paradox Interactive Reveals Three New Games & Several Updates
Paradox Interactive released another deep dive video and blog for Cities: Skylines II last week, this time going over the seasons and the climate The shorthand to this is that the weather provides its own set of challenges for you when managing the city, as different patterns and climates make it difficult for some people[...]
Paradox Interactive Reveals Three New Games & Several Updates
Paradox Interactive has released their latest deep-dive video for Cities: Skylines II, in which they discuss the maps and themes going into the game Unlike the previous entry, the team has given this one a bit of an overhaul when it comes to the way maps are chosen and designed, as well as the themes[...]
Paradox Interactive Reveals Three New Games & Several Updates
Paradox Interactive released a new deep dive blog and video for Cities: Skylines II last week as the team went more in-depth on Electricity & Water This one feels a little more extensive compared to the previous ones, as you're dealing with two key elements to your city functioning with must-have utilities Without these resources,[...]
Paradox Interactive Reveals Three New Games & Several Updates
Paradox Interactive has released another new video in what appears to be a weekly series of reveals for Cities: Skylines II, this time talking about City Services As your city moves, it needs maintenance and protection This latest video explores all of those aspects and shows you how you'll need to maintain it to make[...]
Paradox Interactive Reveals Three New Games & Several Updates
Paradox Interactive released new information today about Cities: Skylines II, as the latest blog and video go over Zones and Signature Buildings The new blog breaks down the wide range of zone types and signature buildings you can make to create more realistic cities, with a wide range of residential and industrial zones You'll have[...]
Paradox Interactive Reveals Three New Games & Several Updates
Paradox Interactive and developer Colossal Order released a new video for Cities: Skylines II today as they examine cargo transportation and public transit Yes, that's correct, things have gotta get around somehow, and that's part of the fun lesson you'll learn this time around how the team has made those mechanics work in the sequel[...]
Paradox Interactive Reveals Three New Games & Several Updates
Paradox Interactive has released a new video for the upcoming game Cities: Skylines II, in which they show how they used AI on the game's traffic Normally, we're not fans of writing stories about AI, as we're pretty sure it's going to take away all of our livelihoods in 10 years and possibly our lives[...]