Even Colossus is rattling off jokes left and right There is an art to this Writers like Brian Michael Bendis know how to balance things, even if Bendis himself does overdo it at times There's not a hard-and-fast rule; it's all about context and timing Cullen Bunn has shown an aptitude for this kind of thing[...]
colossus Archives
The teams of X-Men: Blue and X-Men: Gold continue to square off with the machinations of Mojo. Can they survive, and will it make for a good watch?
Storm, Angel, Iceman, and Logan are in the first simulation, Beast, Jean Grey, Nightcrawler, Colossus, and Jimmy Hudson are in the second, and Kitty Pryde, Rachel Summers, Cyclops, and Bloodstorm are in the last.
Mojo even uses the word "Legacy" to describe the significance of the scenario he has set up.
Now, I feel that it's a[...]
Jean Grey, Beast, Colossus, Nightcrawler, and Jimmy Hudson are taking on some variety of demons.
Meanwhile, Mojo is broadcasting the battles to the world and loving every minute of it.
Alright, time to get some of the broad-strokes plot grievances out of the way I already griped about this being a crossover.
Here's my next complaint, and many[...]
This issue of X-Men: Blue brings Goblin Queen's plan to its climax while Wolverine Jr. and Angel fight the Blob. Does this make for a good read though?
Essentially, we are shown where things went wrong for these iterations of Colossus, Storm, Nightcrawler, and Pixie You can fill in the rest for yourself if you know these characters Pixie and Nightcrawler's stories are the vaguest though, so you're not really sure what happened.
Scott manages to be a bit of a twit in this[...]
The X-Men have a lot of interpersonal conflicts to get through this issue, and Beast is tampering with some powerful forces. Does it make for good reading?
X-Men Gold #7 is one of the better Secret Empire tie-ins, because it largely ignores the thrust of the event and uses the setting for its own story needs.
Shadowcat, Nightcrawler, Storm, Old Man Logan, Rachel Summers, and Colossus are all compelling characters The fights with the Sentinels are cool, and when the art works, it works well.
I can't not recommend this book to X-Men fans, but X-Men Gold #5 is easily the weakest issue so far The art has plenty of missteps, the[...]
None seem particularly concerned, and old furry Beast even insinuates it might be due to a head injury or extreme stress.
She then uses Cerebro to contact previous Phoenix Force hosts, including Colossus, Rachel Summers, Quentin Quire, Magik, and Hope Summers — the last of which is in danger due to the cyborg Reavers, and Jean[...]
More recently, and tying into a rebirth of the restrengthening of the X-Men franchise in the comics, X-Men have seen a slowly building return in these other mediums.
However, in some of the various mobile games Marvel has, such as Contest of Champions, X-Men characters have actually regularly been a part of those games since pretty[...]
The appearance of Kitty Pryde and Colossus together for a page in X-Men: Gold #1 by Mark Guggenheim and Ardian Syaf (now remembered more – for other reasons) was seen as short shrift for the ex-couple But not to be.
At the Marvel ResurrXion panel at C2E2, happening right now, Guggenheim stated that in a future issue of[...]
Some minor spoilers perhaps, though it was kind of featured in a few of the trailers. Logan, out now in case you somehow didn't know, features an
Colossus in a more updated look will start us off Right off the bat it is appreciated that they keep him in scale He is a big dude, and he should be bulkier and taller than everyone else He comes with two head sculpts: beard and no beard, and both are pretty great, and to[...]
Writer Greg Pak has raised an excellent point on twitter in response to the #MuslimBan, the controversial Executive Order from President Donald Trump that
Sunfire comes with the same fire-fists as Iron Fist from last year, but to much greater effect here.
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Two fan-favorites get most welcome updated figures with a fantastic looking Colossus, that even comes with a[...]
His first fight against Colossus is the Black Knight from Holy Grail It has to be deliberate As is the "sit on my face" line.
Because if Deadpool is running through a film that breaks the four walls (sixteen walls at one point, according to Deadpool), it's going to refer those who have done similar (remember[...]
I saw Deadpool earlier today. It was great. An only-a-little-bit-spoilery review of the movie is here. But I have been asked about any references made to
I saw Deadpool earlier today. It was great. A low-spoiler review of the movie is here. But before going in, I was asked by some Bleeding Cool readers if I
I saw Deadpool earlier today. It was great. A low-spoiler review of the movie is here. Afterwards, I was asked by some Bleeding Cool readers some specific
I saw Deadpool earlier today. It was great. A much less spoilery review of the movie is here. But one question I have been repeatedly asked is about
That's how Colossus came back because Joss Whedon had an incredible resurrection story.
It would be extremely annoying if we had a quote that might suggest things went down a slightly different way, wouldn't it? Thankfully we… do.
I feel like I'm channeling John Stewart right now The two versions aren't completely incompatible, but it does take[...]
A while ago, I had some fun with Avengers Vs X-Men covers, pretending to interpret all their macho posturing, gritted teeth and grappling as if it were
We've all thought that Colossus, as a man and a mutant had a little something extra And now we have solid proof An extra one and a quarter inches.
For their tenth anniversary of publishing seven inch Marvel Select figure, Diamond Select Toys is putting out a fully articulated Colossus figure at a towering eight-and-a-quarter inches[...]
But it was otherwise teased as Colossus taking the helmet.
Well, from this Marvel teaser, he may well have taken said helmet, and the ruby that goes with it, in order to take on the worthified Juggernaut!
Uncanny X-Men #543 by Kieron Gillen and Greg Land is published in September.
When Bleeding Cool first ran the image,[...]