Not only does it conclude that series, it sets up the sequel event for December, The Crimson Reign before teasing a third finale, The Hidden Empire And we see Crimson Dawn everywhere, the intergalactic criminal empre introduced in Solo: A Star Wars Story, led by Qi'Ra, former girlfriend of Han Solo Star Wars Doctor Aphra[...]
Crimson Reign Archives
And now, as Marvel Comics prepares to publish the end of its first linewide Star Wars event, War Of The Bounty Hunters, as well as tease Crimson Reign as another linewide event, introducing the Crimson Dawn to the space between Empire Strikes Back and Return Of The Jedi, so it is also planning a third[...]
Star Wars: Crimson Reign is to continue the War of the Bounty Hunters crossover in Marvel's current Star Wars comic books, joining up aspects of Solo, Empire Strikes Back and Return Of The Jedi Star Wars: Crimson Reign is a five-issue mini-series by Charles Soule and Steve Cummings that launches in November and stars Qi'ra from[...]