Age guidance: 14+ Running time: 1hr 40 mins
Other comic creators attending include Chris Askham, Yomi Ayeni, Sayra Begum, Clark Bint, Tim Bird, Lewis Campbell, Jon Davis, Pete Doree, Phil Elliott, Emma Evans, Ed Firth, Simon Furman, Steven Fraser, Warwick Fraser-Coombe, Jessika Green, Lyndsey Green, Katie Handley, Isabel Hatherall, Jack Harvey, Luke Hyde, Jenika Ioffreda, Owen[...]
Dan Whitehead Archives
This book features art and stories from LOADS of different creators though and has a truly vast range of art styles."
Fishbeard and Friends will feature the following comic book creators, a number of whom will be at Thought Bubble – Aaron Rackley, Alejandro Rosado, Andy Hanks, Charles H Raymond, Clark Bint, Dan Butcher, Dan Whitehead,[...]