Especially given the futures that Thawne, Barry and Iris's daughter, and others have come back from, it seems like in most timelines that disappearance is permanent.
But while we know The Flash will go on as a show (so odds are good they'll rescue him out of this), there's a good bet that "Crisis" is going to[...]
Danielle Panabaker Archives
With Arrow shuffling off the network's programming coil after an abbreviated eighth season (making The Flash the "elder states-show" of the "Arrowverse" as it speeds into its sixth season), Ruby Rose-starrer Batwoman joining the family alongside Supergirl, and a looming "Crisis on Infinite Earths" crossover that could change things dramatically (more on that below), the[...]
With Arrow shuffling off the network's programming coil after an abbreviated eighth season (making The Flash the "elder states-show" of the "Arrowverse"), Ruby Rose-starrer Batwoman joining the family alongside Supergirl, and a looming "Crisis on Infinite Earths" crossover that could change things dramatically (more on that below), the 2019-2020 season isn't exactly going to be[...]
Now with Arrow shuffling off the network's programming coil with an abbreviated eighth season (making The Flash the "elder states-show" of the "Arrowverse"), the high-anticipated Ruby Rose-starrer Batwoman joining the family, and a looming "Crisis" crossover that's expected to change things dramatically, the 2019-2020 season isn't lacking in action – and we're still two months[...]
All rights reserved
Taking advantage of the pre-season prep time this summer, The Flash went looking for a new scientist for its sixth season, one that is a "socially awkward, African-American genius in math and science (who specifically is a bit obsessed with aliens and their tech)." The series was also reportedly looking for a "new[...]
Gregory Smith directed the episode with story by Lauren Certo and teleplay by Todd Helbing & Eric Wallace.
The CW's The Flash stars Grant Gustin as Barry Allen/The Flash, Candice Patton as Iris West-Allen, Danielle Panabaker as Caitlin Snow/Killer Frost, Carlos Valdes as Cisco Ramon/Vibe, Hartley Sawyer as Ralph Dibny/Elongated Man, Danielle Nicolet as Cecile Horton, Jessica Parker Kennedy as Nora West-Allen/XS, and Chris Klein as Orlyn Dwyer/Cicada; with Tom Cavanagh as Harrison Wells and Jesse[...]
Team Flash rallies to find a way to help Nora return to her time, only to discover her presence has changed the timeline and brought the early arrival of the most ruthless, vicious, and relentless villain Team Flash has ever faced: Cicada.
CW's The Flash stars Grant Gustin as Barry Allen/The Flash, Candice Patton as Iris[...]
On top of all of that, it also revealed the heretofore unseen superpowers of series regular Danielle Panabaker – in her directorial debut When we last left Team Flash, they'd locked up Nora (Jessica Parker Kennedy) after learning she'd been working with Eobard Thawne – the Reverse Flash (Tom Cavanaugh) – but mom Iris (Candice[...]
Martin as Detective Joe West, Candice Patton as Iris West – Allen, Grant Gustin as Barry Allen, Danielle Panabaker as Caitlin Snow — Photo: Katie Yu/The CW — © 2019 The CW Network, LLC All rights reserved
The Flash — "Time Bomb" — Image Number: FLA517c_0111b.jpg — Pictured (L-R): Carlos Valdes as Cisco Ramon, Danielle Nicolet[...]
Gorilla Grodd" — Image Number: FLA515b_0263b.jpg — Pictured (L-R): Tom Cavanagh as Sherloque Wells, Danielle Panabaker as Caitlin Snow, Zibby Allen as Dr Tanya Lamden, Carlos Valdes as Cisco Ramon and Audrey Marie Anderson as Lyla Michaels — Photo: Shane Harvey/The CW — © 2019 The CW Network, LLC All rights reserved
The Flash — "King[...]
The rumor mill is running overtime over at the CW, with Danielle Panabaker possibly leaving The Flash at the end of season 5 This would follow another rumored exit by series regular Carlos Valdes (Cisco Ramon/Vibe): both of these fan favorites have been with Team Flash from the beginning – as far back as the second season of Arrow when[...]
When Flash (Grant Gustin), XS (Jessica Parker Kennedy), and Killer Frost (Danielle Panabaker) show up to stop him, Team Flash is briefly able to get the upper hand But after Cicada uses his dagger, sapping Barry and Nora of their powers, the supervillain delivers an spine-crushing hit to Nora's lower back Killer Frost holds him[...]
In a season that was supposed to be lighter, The Flash season 4 was brought down by the constant losing to the Thinker.
facility to complete his Enlightenment Machine, Barry (Grant Gustin) realizes the only way he can stop him is if he allows Cisco (Carlos Valdes) and Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) to accompany him into the facility Still shaken by Ralph's death, Barry isn't sure he wants to risk any more of his friends' lives and considers taking[...]
While the episode's main focus includes the return of Gypsy (Jessica Comacho) and will be dealing with her relationship with Cisco (Carlos Valdes) and trying to thwart… there word, not mine… the Thinker's plans, the clip actually focuses on Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) and Harry (Tom Cavanagh) Spoilers ahead.
Photo: Jack Rowand/The CW — © 2018 The[...]
And while the Flash has done a few flashbacks, it looks like they'll be diving into the past of Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker) soon.
The Flash — "Girls Night Out" — Image Number: FLA405c_0250b.jpg — Pictured: Danielle Panabaker as Killer Frost — Photo: Jeff Weddell/The CW — © 2017 The CW Network, LLC[...]
The end of last week's The Flash showed Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker) heading to her apartment only to find a message carved into her door It's pretty obvious that the message ties into the six months that she was away from S.T.A.R Labs and dealing with the partial Killer Frost transformation In the opening episode,[...]
We also know that Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards) is guest starring, as well as Katee Sackhoff (Battlestar Galactica).
The images confirm that Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker) becomes Killer Frost again and we see Cisco Ramon (Carlos Valdes) sitting in prison next to Ralph Dibny (Hartley Sawyer)… so the Elongated Man sticks around after this week's[...]
With the new season of The Flash, we got Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker) back… but we don't know exactly what happened to her in the six months that Barry Allen (Grant Gustin) was in the Seed Force She's still fighting for control over Killer Frost and we've seen her lose control when she told Norvok[...]
The character played by Danielle Panabaker was engaged the married to Ronnie Raymond (Robbie Amell) just before he died/disappeared at the end of Flash season one She got romantically involved with who she believed was Jay Garrick (Teddy Sears) but actually turned out to be Hunter Zolomon/Zoom And in the latest season she got involved[...]
While the other Arrow and Legends of Tomorrow get the week off because of the holiday, The Flash will air on Tuesday night (It has election night off) with an episode centered on Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker) and her transformation into Killer Frost We've seen Caitlin is still around in the photos from the 4-series[...]
How will our heroes take to the idea of aliens? Danielle Panabaker who plays Caitlin Snow who is gaining the powers of Killer Frost, told
The biggest fear for Caitlin and for Team Flash is how powerful [The Dominators] are and how much of an unknown they are We're only getting used to dealing with metahumans[...]
Prior to their panel at WonderCon on Sunday, executive producer Andrew Kreisberg and a handful of the cast answered questions from the press, ranging from battling the Rogues, accidentally traveling in time, and hinting at what's to come next season.
First up was actress Danielle Panabaker (Caitlin Snow) "When you look at it from the perspective[...]
At the Flash panel at Wondercon this weekend, one of the big reveals was by actress Danielle Panabaker who not only confirmed that her character of Caitlin Snow will become her comic book alter ego Killer Frost, but that it happen as soon as the end of this season.
It was also revealed that some of[...]
In the clip below from this week's episode we see that Ronnie (Robbie Amell) was less than happy being in the backseat as Stein (Victor Garber) kept him away from Caitlin (Danielle Panabaker) for all those months.
The Flash airs Tuesdays at 8 PM on the CW
Anyone remember the early days of Firestorm when Ronnie Raymond[...]
Flashback, Waller wants Oliver to "interrogate" a man who set a bomb somewhere in the city.
Caitlin Snow (Danielle Panabaker) & Cisco Ramon (Carlos Valdes) show up at Palmer Technologies (pour one out for Queen Consolidated) to help Felicity Smoak (Emily Bett Rickards) with the DNA analysis of Sara's killer Cisco wants to see the "Arrowcave"[...]
Though there was no new episode of The Flash last night due to the election coverage, the CW has released a featurette where Grant Gustin (Barry Allen) and Danielle Panabaker (Caitlin Snow) talk about the building up the Rogue's Gallery that has been a major part of the series already We've seen Weather Wizard (Chad[...]
Danielle Panabaker has already made her television debut as Caitlin Snow on an episode of Arrow The young actress who starred opposite of James Woods on Shark is now playing a STAR Labs scientist who has lost her fiance and is burying herself into her work… which at this point is Barry Allen (Grant Gustin)[...]