Dark Souls Archives

Dark Souls 3 Launch Trailer Shows You The Horror That Awaits
Dark Souls 3 is finally out today in the West today, after a three week delay between now and it's release in Japan I'm about 10 hours deep into myself right now, so expect a review in the near future. To get you all pumped though, here is a launch trailer for the game showing you[...]
Eli Roth Has Directed A Rather Wild Dark Souls 3 Animation
Take a look: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCDIv2VsKJEVideo can't be loaded because JavaScript is disabled: Eli Roth's "The Witches" Dark Souls Animated Trailer (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jCDIv2VsKJE) Well, here is a neat bit of marketing. Horror film director Eli Roth has been brought on by Bandai Namco and From Software to do a bit of work on the game pre-launch in the West[...]
Dark Souls 3 Launch Trailer Hits Ahead Of Japanese Launch
Dark Souls 3 is still three weeks out from a release in the west, which is excruciating for major fans of the series What's even worse is spoilers and the like will probably start slipping out too, as the Japanese release is due out tomorrow. To go with the launch in the East, this launch trailer[...]
This Dark Souls 3 Trailer Sees Your True Colors
Dark Souls 3 is probably not something you'd associate with Cyndi Lauper, but some one in the game's marketing department certainly did And it's pretty rad. This new trailer for the game uses a rather dark cover of the song True Colors, perfectly fitting with the downbeat world that you'll be exploring in the game It's[...]
This Man Beat Dark Souls Without Getting Hit Once And He Streamed The Whole Thing
While certainly not the hardest game ever made, Dark Souls has represented a stiff challenge for gamers entering its world ever since its release It represents that challenge so much though, that it has encourage players to beat it in a slew of wacky and zany way, with guitar controls, bongo controllers, no armour, just[...]
Catch The Epic And Gothic Dark Souls III Opening Cinematic
It's almost strange how close we are getting to Dark Souls III It only feels like last week I wrote my Bloodborne review, but alas! Here we are in the marketing cycle for another Hidetaka Miyazaki directed Souls game Not that I am complaining! To give you a palette cleanser and let you know what Dark[...]
Take A Look At Some Dark Souls 3 Thief Gameplay
Dark Souls 3 is quickly racing up to us, which is pretty crazy considering Bloodborne came out less than a year ago But yup, we're gearing up for pain again with another Hidetaka Miyazaki directed effort. To get you geared up, take a look at some of this new gameplay, centered around the Thief class This[...]
Darks Souls 3 Gets New Footage Ahead Of PlayStation Experience
Dark Souls 3 is on the horizon now, coming to us in March to brutalize us all again, less than a year after From Software's Bloodborne. The game will be making an appearance at this weekends PlayStation Experience, and to celebrate the developer has released this new trailer featuring four minutes of gameplay Awesome creature designs[...]
Dark Souls 3 Probably The Last In The Series
There have been a lot of Dark Souls games since the franchise made it big with the first game, which only came out in 2011 From Software are now gearing up for Dark Souls 3's release, coming just a year after Bloodborne, which took from the Souls series pretty liberally. According to game designer and president of From[...]
Catch This Spellbinding Boss Fight From Dark Souls 3
I know some people get precious about Dark Souls boss spoilers as they want to experience them for the first time in the game, so if that is so, turn back now. The Dark Souls technical beta is now out there for the lucky few who have been let in, and with that a little footage[...]
Take A Look At A Batch Of Dark Souls 3 Pictures
Dark Souls 3 is shockingly close to release considering how long we've known about it We only caught wind of it around E3 and it will be in our hands in just a few months (April to be exact) It doesn't seem it is going to be a botched job either Legendary creator Hidetaka Miyazaki[...]
Twitch Has Beaten Dark Souls
I've been following Twitch plays Dark Souls for a while now The idea of a community coming together and besting one of the most notorious modern games sounded like a recipe for disaster It was for the first few days too, until admin stepped in and put the game on a pausing system. That did the[...]
Check Out Dark Souls Gameplay 3 Footage Right Here
Dark Souls 3, up to this point has remained elusive, leaving demos only to E3 and Gamescom behind closed doors. Finally, you guys can now get a glimpse of what it looks like in action though And this may shock you, but it looks like a Dark Souls game with better graphics This video comes from[...]
Dark Souls 3 Coming To The West In April
We learnt just the other day that Dark Souls 3 is going to be launching in Japan March 24th The feeling was that the West would get the game at the same time, having at least some kind of semblance of release parity. Not so it seems, as Souls fans in American and Europe are going[...]
Dark Sould III Is Hitting Japan March 24th
With Bloodborne now in the bag, it's scary to think how close Dark Souls III is We've been told we'd have it 'early 2016' at its E3 announcement, but we may now be closer to knowing a final release date. This supposedly comes from Game Jouhou by way of Silconera, who are claiming that the game will hit[...]
Twitch Plays Dark Souls Has Now Beaten The Second Boss In The Game
I wrote about Twitch plays Dark Souls a few days ago, talking about the unorganised madness the whole thing was The game was just too complex to really trust thousands of people putting in random commands at any one time After flailing around in the starting area for two days, things have improved now as[...]
Twitch Plays Dark Souls Is A Glorious Mess
A Dark Souls Stream has started and for 2 days the community has fumbled through the first area, not making much progress You can take a look at the whole glorious mess right here. Watch live video from TwitchPlaysDark on www.twitch.tv If the community ever actually beat this, I'll be floored.   This year has been all about[...]
Man Beats Dark Souls Only Using Voice Controls
There seems to be a strange phenomenon going on in the Dark Souls community The hardcore have beaten the game so many times, they've started looking for new and crazy ways to complete it From speed runs, to no armour runs, to beating the game with a Guitar Hero controller, a lot of fans seems[...]
Dark Souls 3 Gets A Gameplay Reveal At Gamescom
Dark Souls III is already coming, and it's not going to have been even a year out from Bloodborune when it lands When you consider it is being directed by the same man, Hidetaka Miyazaki it's clear that is a fast turnaround. The game was announced at Microsoft's E3 press conference, and following suit, it got a[...]
The Dark Souls Series Has Sold Over 8 Million Copies
From Software's Dark Souls series is a strange success The franchise's achievements are more or less predicated on word of mouth yet it is so different from what we'd expect from a huge successful video game franchise Clunky and slow in animation, no real narrative and geared heavily towards the hardcore gamer. Successful it has been[...]
Dark Souls 3 Has Been In Development Over Multiple Years
When Dark Souls 3 was announced for early next year, it raised some eyebrows With Bloodborne only out in March, how could From Software have the time to put together another full game in such a short time? It turns out that more than one team has been working on it, and besides game head Hidetaka[...]
Some Potential Dark Souls 3 Screenshots Surface Ahead Of E3 Announcements?
Right, so this is a web of uncertainty and believable sources, so bare with me. The Know are claiming that Dark Souls 3 is real in their latest episode, which was rumoured for an E3 appearance earlier this week, and followed up the claims with screenshots that look pretty convincing In the video they claim that[...]
Category: Video Games – Episode 4: We Are All Waluigi
This week we take on that Fallout 4 countdown that lead to the reveal of the game, the possibility of Dark Souls 3, Steam offering refunds before detouring nicely into a very philosophical debate about Waluigi and a game that lets you take dick pics. It was a weird week! Have a listen here: [audio:http://s39.podbean.com/pb/328019e2e4277c85205cc0dcdf5c6d28/556f6166/data1/blogs60/682909/uploads/Episode42-WeAreAllWalluigi-CVG.mp3] You can subscribe to[...]
Rumour: Dark Souls 3 To Be Announced At E3
It's a few weeks before E3 now, which means rumours/predictions about what might be shown at the Expo are hitting hard and fast. This on is certainly interesting though. VG247 are claiming that one of their sources is telling them that Dark Souls 3 will be announced at E3 What's more is that after sitting the last[...]