Based on the graphic novel of the same name created by Brian Ralph, Netflix's Daybreak borrows from so many genres it is hard to categorize It's definitely dystopian, there are zombie like enemies and even worse humans, but it's a world run by teenagers and a fever dream of pop culture references The creators have[...]
Daybreak Archives
Yet another game company has decided to lay off employees just before the holidays as it came out this weekend that Daybreak Games released about 70 employees The word got out on Twitter from former studio president John Smedley, who in now-deleted tweets said, "Very sorry to hear about the layoffs at Daybreak," and, "70 people is[...]
John Smedley, formerly of Sony Online Entertainment and Daybreak, is perhaps best known for his work on EverQuest and Planetside, so with a background in MMOs, you'd expect something massive from Smedley's team Honestly just with his name attached, we were going to start keeping an eye out for a massive online game to come out of[...]