DC Compact Archives

Marvel Premier Collection A Half Inch Bigger Than DC Compact Comics
A series of books published at 6 inches by 9 inches –  which is just half an inch bigger in both directions than the DC Compact Comics line at 5.5" x 8.5" How much will that half-an-inch matter? Well, the books are priced at $14.99 rather than $9.99. "The MARVEL PREMIER COLLECTION is designed for anyone[...]
DC Finest And Compact
DC Compact Comics has a 5.5" x 8.5" standard book trim for trade paperback novels, the new format pulls bestselling, new-reader-friendly titles from DC's evergreen library Here's what's coming in 2025 so far. Kingdom Come – 6th of May, 2025 Static: Season One  – 27th of May, 2025 DCeased – 3rd of June, 2025 Batwoman: Elegy – 17th of[...]
DC Comics Presentation at MCM London – Finest, Compact & Nicola Scott
Just not the one they were planning the last time, obviously. Then there were the DC Compact Comics line, and assurances that despite their size, they are very readable, and Dustin can attest to reading the Compact Watchmen with its nine-panel pages very easily. And we got a list and a schedule for those as well… a[...]