defiant Archives

Jim Shooter's Schism From Defiant Comics To Finally Be Published
Schism: Be Careful What You Dream by Jay Jackson, Jim Shooter, Charlie Adlard, David Lapham, JG Jones, and Dave Taylor was originally planned to be published by Defiant Comics in 1994, and more will be published for the first time, being funded on Kickstarter. Defiant Comics was a comic book publishing imprint of Enlightened Entertainment Partners, LP, established in 1993 by[...]
Sons Of Star Trek, The Nepo Babies Of Starfleet, Get Their Own Comic
IDW revealed three new Star Trek comic book projects for 2024 at New York Comic Con in their panel yesterday with Heather Antos, Joe Eisma, Rachael Scott, Colin Kelly, Christopher Cantwell and Marissa Louise including Sons Of Star Trek. In January 2024, IDW will publish Star Trek: The Defiant Annual by Christopher Cantwell, Ramon Rosanas, and Lee[...]
Star Trek: Defiant Breaks Out The Proto-Warp (Spoilers)
In that this week's issue, written and approved by Paramount months ago, sees "Captain Worf and first officer Spock set the stolen Defiant on course to break into a highly guarded Section 31 outpost to recruit the highest computing mind in the galaxy-Lore!" Especially when Beverly Crusher also appears, as Second Officer to Commander Sisko BTW,[...]
Lords of the Fallen
Lords of the Fallen developer CI Games has announced that another game in the series is on the way, but it is being handed off to new studio Defiant. Lords of the Fallen is much remembered as one of the first games that really took the formula that Demon Souls and Dark Souls perfected and tried to spin[...]