Sure, you can replay it if you like, but in addition to the single player campaign you will also have access to the multiplayer.
According to producer Fernando Melo, during the multiplayer you will be able to undertake multiplayer "missions," which are "your link between multiplayer and single player," and you can receive rewards in both single player[...]
Fernando Melo Archives
Fernando Melo, one of the devs on the multiplayer development team for Mass Effect: Andromeda, has spent the last few days giving us more and more glances at the new multiplayer system He's been calling it MP Christmas And each tweet follows the "on the first day of Christmas" pattern pretty well for a game dev[...]
Credit: Bioware
Fernando Melo, one of the producers on Mass Effect: Andromeda tweeted a screenshot of Andromeda's multiplayer character selection screen that shows some non-human playable characters after apologizing for the lack of a tech demo for the multiplayer mode It looks like we'll have a few other options including a Krogan, Salarian, Asari, and a Turian.
The multiplayer[...]