granito Archives

The Swedish Rob Granito?
These pieces are the artists interpretation of the once original ink and pen artwork by  such amazing artists like Joe Jusko, Ron Garney, Tom Grummet, John Romita, Brian Bolland, Frank Frazetta, Alex Horley, Billy Tucci, Mark Sparacio and indeed many other great comic artists. "Profound credits must therefore go to all the great artists and creators[...]
Will You Sign The Petition For Rob Granito To Come Back To Comic Cons?
So this petition recently went up on iPetitions. Rob Granito, a hard working artist and family man, made some unwitting mistakes doing tribute art and was buried in the comics tabloid media Rob admits to his mistakes, and wants a chances to make amends and return to the industry he loves so much: the world of[...]
Meet Nicholas Mowdy, AKA Snickers19510, An Aspiring Artist, Rob Granito-Style
It's hilarious that he can't even get the media I use correct. Maybe this is a one-off though, and he's not doing the full Granito, right? Nope. We have this sketch of Bane and Batman that looks pretty sweet. However, it looked a lot better on Zenescope Entertainment artist Marcio Abreu's deviantART page. Then there is this Joker piece. That happens[...]
Those Latest Rob Granito Swipes
You know when you've been Granitoed Such as Rob's Nightmare Before Christmas prints he's signing on eBay… That bear some resemblance to the following works somehow without his signature. At least the Harley Quinn images, albeit it traced from the Bruce Timm originals, seem to show some kind of transformative  decisions. Of course that just leaves Rob[...]
The Return Of Rob Granito
So, what is Rob Granito up to? The art swiper and biographer bloater came to fame after a number of Bleeding Cool articles saw him confronted at conventions and eventually hounded off the internet. We haven't heard anything about his publishing plans with famed scammer Josh Hoopes that seriously sounded like someone was just inventing stories[...]
And Finally – Rob Granito Records Song, Inspires Another Song And A New Lawsuit
A few days ago, Rob Granito launched a YouTube channel with a song of his, entitled Don't Judge Him He's now made the song private-viewers only after the massively negative response it had from internet commentators, then closed his account. Thankfully the song got saved and uploaded elsewhere, thanks to the efforts of one Ken Oakley[...]
Rob Granito Relaunch: 14 New Comic Titles With Josh Hoopes
Rob Granito is creating a new line of comic books under the name Bad Boy Comics with his… creative partner Josh Hoopes But not quite yet His wife Alison tells me "rather than self-publish a comic outright, Rob and his partner are going to make some prints showcasing the many characters and storylines they are[...]
Another Round Of Questions With Rob Granito
Two weeks ago, I ran a question and answer session with the entity known as Rob Granito It wasn't that satisfactory, I didn't have the opportunity to follow up on questions and I felt that Rob was basically avoiding the issues being presented He wasn't exactly presented in the most positive of lights. Two weeks later[...]
Colleen Doran Vs Alison Granito
Because Colleen Doran wrote about Rob Granito a week ago with the title "Everything that comes out of Rob Granito's mouth smells of ass and cheese doodles" which looked at Rob Granito's claims with, shall we say, a cynical eye, and comments by Sara Teague on Granito's claims over the years; He didn't imply he'd worked[...]
Thursday Trending Topics: You Haven't Seen The Last Of Rob Granito
The only thing better than Rich Johnston interviewing Rob Granito would have to be Rich Johnston interviewing Rob Granito on youtube Perhaps some other time  It's funny, I've seen long threads in at least 3 major forums over the past couple years questioning the identity of one of the characters in the image on the[...]
Bleeding Cool Asks Rob Granito Ten Questions. And He Answers.
After a lot of back and forth, talking with Rob's wife and manager Alison, Rob Granito agreed to answer a few questions to Bleeding Cool I didn't get any follow ups, and the answers were dictated by Alison I also didn't pay anything for the privilege. I last spoke to Rob Granito online a couple of[...]
How Josh Hoopes Is Trying To Scam Rob Granito
But no one deserves this. Talking to Alison Granito, wife of Rob Granito, the scam has been uncovered. I already told you that Josh Hoopes had been talking to Rob Granito, helping him, sympathising with him, joining with him as painting me as their mutual nemesis And I wondered what his angle was Now I know. Josh has[...]
Rob Granito Story Gets The Most Bizarre Twist Possible
And that's in a comic book. So anyway, over the last month, on and off, I've been negotiating with Rob Granito's wife and manager Alison Granito over the possibility of doing an interview with Rob She'd put $200 out there as a figure, I thought I might be able to raise that much, but Rob[...]
A Song For Rob Granito
Bleeding Cool is proud to present Fake It Better, Granito by Tom Smith, a parody of R B Greaves' Take A Letter, Maria, in aid of our favourite swipe artist. It's never going to get old, is it? Bleeding Cool is proud to present Fake It Better, Granito by Tom Smith, a parody of R[...]
Rob Granito Makes It To Kapow
This is the TARDIS in the middle of the Kapow show floor See that sticker? Let's get a closer look. Blimey. Well, we know how he got here. but how did he
The Rob Granito Interview – From One Year Ago
All approaches to Rob Granito, his wife Alison Granito and his agent Alison G (look, let's keep the pretence they are seperate people to as to appease them) from Bleeding Cool, even after the interview offers were made, have been ignored Not surprisingly But we do have an exclusive interview with Rob from one year[...]
The Return Of Rob Granito As The New Charlie Sheen
Last month, Bleeding Cool broke a series of stories about the activities of artist Rob Granito, misrepresenting his career to potential customers at comics conventions, inventing and exaggerating past credits in order to justify the sale of his artwork, much of which was swiped from othe, better known creators The story boomed and it led[...]
Rob Granito's MegaCon Adventure With Mark Waid
It may not have escaped your notice that Rob Granito appeared at MegaCon this weekend You can catch up with the timeline here. Ethan Van Sciver publically posted; I'm at the airport in Orlando! MegaCon is done! It was great Mark Waid and I told Granito he was not allowed to[...]
Artists React To Rob Granito In The Only Way They Can
From Ty Templeton, a man whose work Granito swiped; From Adam Gorham... From met2art; From Yoni Limor; From Tananda Chumley; He's certainly getting famous Can a Bluewater biography far behind? He's the gift who keeps on swiping From Ty Templeton, a man whose work Granito swiped; From Adam Gorham... From met2art; From Yoni Limor; From Tananda Chumley; He's certainly getting famous[...]
Friday Trending Topics: You've Been Granitoed
Controversy and revelations pile up on the Rob Granito saga over the MegaCon weekend Meanwhile, there's Mickey Mouse, Captain America, and Doctor Who news piling up views  Ashley Green's underwear didn't make the cut tonight, sadly enough, and while it's no substitute, I've added a Trending Topics Extra on our most popular recent Swipe Files. Most-Read[...]
When Ethan Van Sciver Met Rob Granito
And he passed by Rob Granito's table These are Ethan's notes on how it went down Photo by Marc Hammond. Towards the end of the day, Marc Hammond from the old FX show came by to hang out at my table And some other kids Someone asked me if I was working[...]
Rob Granito Hits YouTube At MegaCon
A stealth video taken of Rob Granito's stall at Megacon… [youtube][/youtube] [youtube][/youtube] [youtube][/youtube] [youtube][/youtube] Not how his credits have suddenly faded[...]
Yes Orlando, Rob Granito IS At MegaCon – Pics
Courtesy of Prof Challenger, proof that Rob Granito, after hitting number one on the comics' Most Wanted list, didn't decide to turn around home and has, indeed, set up at Megacon, in Orlando, Florida. Anyone who wants to go over and introduce themselves as Jay Diddilo, feel free Don't worry about his gun toting manager either,[...]
More Fun With Rob Granito Before MegaCon
He seems to be the con artist who keeps giving and giving. Yesterday's article looking at Rob Granito's bogus credits that have gained him Guest status at Wizard World Toronto and upcoming shows, touched upon his swipe filery, but further research and information provided by you, the Little Bleeders who read this site, have painted a[...]
Who On Earth Is Rob Granito? (UPDATE)
A familiar face at recent comics conventions, Rob Granito recently appeared at Wizard World Toronto Here is his appearance bio, listing credits including Batman, Teen Titans and working on an upcoming Batman arc And these are reflected on his website And he has appeared at a number of shows over the years, such as Jacen[...]