Dark Shadows has the smell of death about one character…
The smell of sulphur and pheromones on others in Infinity Hunt.
And the smell of sweat and masturbation on another in Powers.
I dunno, with all those scents mixing around, Infinity Heist, not having a nose might actually come in useful sometimes.
As might not having toes in his[...]
Infinity Hunt Archives
Well, I did see Thor The Dark Age, clearly there's something in the air, isn't there, Infinity Hunt?
Of course, for some, it's all they've ever known…
But, as Infinity Heist points out, it's good to break out of a rut Leave your job and set up on your own, become a job creator, a wealth creator…[...]
Hey can we get a what-what on that?
Close enough, courtesy of The Infinity Hunt #2.
While Superior Foes Of Spider-Man have other concerns than their hands to worry about They're all about just looking after heads – theirs and other people's With some rather entertaining pictograms.
Batman feels a similar way in Detective Comics, though he seems[...]