interview Archives

Get Fast Dir James Clayton & Costar Lou Diamond Philips on Heist Fun
If he ever does an interview and people meet him, which I hope happens, he's a tremendous talent He's such an interesting guy, and he calls for a great writing partner. Fei Ren in "Get Fast" (2024)—image courtesy of Well Go USA Entertainment. Lou, aside from the script, were there any external inspirations, perhaps a performance you[...]
The Remarkable Life of Ibelin Director on Inspiring WOW Gamer's Story
It was all done with interviews with his friends collecting written text It was a completely different approach than the observational documentary filmmaking I've done in the past It's also similar in the way of telling your story and in a cinematic way. Cr: Netflix What did you find was the biggest obstacle you had telling this[...]
Dominique Star Oksana Orlan on Creating Female Bond/Wick Action Hero
I came down, they interviewed me, asked me a bunch of questions, and decided I'd be right for the role [of Officer Chago], but I'm always drawn to these dark, complex characters, these roles that show the other side of the human spectrum. What's it like working with Michael and Oksana on set? It was amazing, incredible[...]
Strange Harvest: Dir Ortiz & Stars Zizzo & Apple on Film’s Grittiness
Then, I play it like I'm talking to you right now like I'm doing an interview [Det Kirby is] doing an interview essentially. There's a certain pulling back, but not being boring or flat, you must land in the right spot I told the story in an earlier interview where we had to shoot some extra[...]