jla Archives

Justice League Of America's Flag Day To Skip A Week. Or Two
UPDATE: A retailer now tells us that their orders are now scheduled for a further week after that, the 20th of February, As well as Justice League Of America's Vibe #1, the launch books of the JLA wil now be published on the 13th of February rather than the 6th UPDATE: A retailer now tells us[...]
The Ottoman Justice League
From Berk Senturk... the Justice League Of The Ottoman Empire... I think these are fairly identifiable...   Of course, every JLOE needs a bad guy.  And...
Jim Lee's Hidden Tribute To Carla
Awwwww... Jim Lee finished the most recent issue of Justice League #5 just before his new child was born, and while his wife Carla was rather heavily
The New Justice League International
Spinning off from Justice League: Generation Lost, Bleeding Cool understands that we can look forward to a new, a very new Justice League International.
The Justice League Of Pint Glasses
Put it this way. If you're spending all your timein a watchtower on the Moon, you're going to want a drink. But how to you solve superhero squabbles over
Andy Mangels Needs To Sell Prize George Perez JLA Artwork
It's killing me, as I have immense sentimental attachment to them (not only do I archive George's work, but these were my payment for my first professional comic job, 20+ years ago), but circumstances dictate they must be sold, and quickly. These are the covers to the JLA Indexes #1-2 (1986), featuring between them the entire[...]
Vixen To Gain Top Spot In Justice League?
Seeing the success that Marvel has gained expanding their Avengers line, DC are planning two regular JLA titles. I remember being a big fan of Justice League International and Justice League Europe when they were running This sounds a little different though. Well-known industry figures, confirm that Geoff Johns and Jim Lee will head up a new[...]
HeroesCon – The Bits Most People Missed
Expect similar frames for different decades for different weeks. Sean Chen – drawing an upcoming Mighty Avengers arc written by Dan Slott Mark Bagley – on JLA with James Robinson just as soon as his Batman run concludes, which is being inked by Rob Hunter But it looks like there will be more than one JLA title[...]