Kazuki Takahashi, the Japanese manga artist and game creator best known for creating Yu-Gi-Oh! has died at the age of 60 Yesterday, he was found dead on the coastline of Nago, Okinawa by Japan Coast Guard officers, wearing snorkelling gear and it has been presumed it was an accidental death.
Kazuki Takahashi photo by StGerner at German Wikipedia under[...]
kazuki takahashi Archives
Viz Media has announced the news that Yu-Gi-Oh! creator Kazuki Takahashi is working on a new manga for the publisher – and for Marvel Comics, Secret Reverse is a new manga featuring Marvel characters Spider-Man and Iron Man as they "travel to Japan to battle an evil gaming magnate and his deadly new technology" Secret[...]
Viz is best-in-class for its unforgettable stories, and after the massive success of last year's Deadpool manga, we're thrilled to now be working with them to bring our iconic characters to even more manga fans everywhere."
Marvel Meow by Nao Fuji will be published on October 12th, 2021, followed by Deadpool: Samurai by writer Sanshirou Kasama and artist Hikaru Uesugi[...]
The first will be written and drawn by Kazuki Takahashi, who created the world-famous Yu-Gi-Oh Expect to find out a lot more this week.
And it kicks off with a promo Manga title where the Shonen Jump Plus anthology magazine editors excitedly talk to Marvel EIC C.B Cebulski about how Marvel Comics works and the comics[...]
NOTE: Available worldwide.
SC, 208pgs, B&W SRP: $9.99
YU GI OH ARC V GN VOL 03 (C: 1-1-1)
(W) Shin Yoshida, Kazuki Takahashi (A/CA) Naohito Miyoshi
After his Duel with Sora Shiunin, Yuya wakes up back at his hideout, where his alter egos tell him about a mysterious power called the Adam Factor[...]