kree Archives

Who Might The Inhumans Face In Their New TV Series?
I'll post the video at the bottom of the page, but lets go through the 10 entries to see if we can figure out who we'll see in the new series. 10 – The Kree Now this one makes perfect sense as the Kree are the ones who made the Inhumans to be used as weapons[...]
Are We Getting A New Kree-Skrull War In The Marvel Universe (SPOILERS UPDATE)
Wth those Terrigen Mists continuing to circle the globe, she's looking to find a way out of being transformed by investigating Kree technology. Because, yes, the Inhumans are all Kree-based in origin And you know the Kree's greatest enemies? The Skrulls And coincidentally, they are all over the place this week… So this is who the Skrulls are in the[...]
The Alien Race On Marvel's Agents Of SHIELD Have Been Named
In what most people expected, the blue alien race that popped up in season one and is the driving force behind season 2 of Marvel's Agents of SHIELD are The Kree. During an interview with TVGuide, executive producer Jeffrey Bell confirmed that the blue alien found in the Guest House was in fact a Kree and[...]
Saturday Trending Topics:  The Avengers Vs Everybody
Who is helping Loki take on The Avengers? First it was the Kree Then it was Skrulls Then it might be the Sons of Muspell I've seen some pretty interesting suggestions in the BC forum, such as Kang's army, and the Knights of Wundagore Very possibly it's more than one of the above. At right is[...]